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Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 - 3:58 a.m.

# of Katie Doyle googlers the last 24: 1
# of stupid aol searchers: 1 (the same spaz...what is this loser's fascination with t&a, anyway?)
# of intolerant racist yahoo searchers: 1
# of yahoo searchers obsessed with ANS's weight: 1 (same guy)
how+much+does+anna+nicole+weigh? Question mark his. Like yahoo is gonna pop up with a numeric answer. ::shaking head::

Kitschiest Search of the Day:

How do you catch a unique rabbit?

Unique up on 'im!!!

How do you catch a tame rabbit?


More Trixie Belden Than You Can Shake a Stick At
Wonder of wonder, gentle readers, I am beside myself with glee. I have discovered that there are not 21 Trixie Belden mysteries, as was previously and erroneously believed a mere week ago; NAY, there are thirty-nine!!! 39, people. My heart thrills at the mere thought. That means there are not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 21 Trixie Belden books still to be read by yours truly. True, I have to find them first, they're collector's items, and they've been out of print since 1986, and some of them since long before that, but still, they are out there, and I haven't read a one of 'em! Can there be anything more joyous than that in the world? I think not, my friends, I think not!

And by a sleep, to say...
My sleep schedule is all messed up, y'all.* I am up later and later each morning. I've always been a night owl, with what I'm sure is a pathological dislike of bedtime. Some of the strongest memories I have of my childhood are battles with my mother over what constituted a sensible and realistic bedtime and whether or not a 6 year old should be allowed to stay up 2 hours beyond my mother's goal bed time to watch Bonanza.** My mother inevitably won, because as you might imagine, she was bigger. But I am a stubborn little git, so me and my trusty flashlight got a lot of late night reading done, staying up well into the 9 or 10:00 hour. That was, of course, after she got hip to the sneaking out of bed and lying down behind the couch to peer around the corner routine.

Morning has always been a bitch. I have a love-hate relationship with my alarm clock, the likes of which could rival the whole Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton thing. And it's decidedly bizarre for someone who puts off going to bed as long as is humanly possible, but I love sleep. Seriously love it. Waking up is both sad and amazingly difficult. No matter how much sleep I get. Which brings me back to the whole sleep schedule thing, because without a serious reason to get up, it is really hard to prop open my eyelids and boost myself out of bed early enough each day to work back to a normal schedule. Normal being one other than what vampires keep. Without naps, because naps are the Evil Which Keeps One from Sleeping. Even a 15 minute nap ruins the whole night. ::sigh::

* Damn that Joe; I grew up in the wilds of Texas, in places whar people drill fer oal and boal warter 'n wraht with pins, and not once prior to subscribing to CuppaJoe's diary did I ever use the "word" y'all. And though I mean it now in the inner city big rapper way and not the smalltown hickish way, Joe sucks. (I mean that in a loving, giving, big sisterly way.)

Joe does NOT suck. Do not send me hate mail because I said Joe sucks. I was only kidding. I love Joe. If I were not already dating The Hottest Guy On the Planet and stupid in love, I'm sure I would pine after Joe, because he is just that cool. So back off. ;)

**For the record, I rabidly loved Bonanza, and Hoss was my favorite Ponderosan. In fact, the little kid in me was delighted to discover you can visit the Ponderosa, and I wish my boyfriend did not look down his nose so much at stuff like that, because even though I know it's kitschy beyond kitsch, I really want to go.

Modern Day Convenience
I love that you can own your own washer and dryer, right in your very own house. That way, when you forget to take the jeans out of the washer for 2 days, and they're all smelly from sitting damp and compacted in a warm, dark location, you can wash them again for free. Although, I suppose the laundromat has its advantages, in that you wouldn't forget and leave them there for 2 days in the first place, if you were at the coin-op. Score, laundromat. Then again, if you did forget them at the laundromat, they wouldn't be there to rewash when you remembered you forgot them, either. Score, home set. Plus, at home, the washing is free. Advantage, home. And you don't have to deal with other people's clothes and creepy laundromat guys. Grand slam, home. Home wins.

As a sidebar, is it a washer and drier or washer and dryer? One wonders.

One does too; shut up.

Whew; thank God for *that*
I just looked it up in the big honkin' Dictionary That Could Kill a Man If You Hit Him Over the Head With It that the boyfriend has on an antique lecturn in the corner over there. (I'm serious; he really does) It's spelled either way. But that's not the big. The big is that when you get to the word dog, the next page is a huge, full page color illustration of dogs. Thank heavens. Can you imagine the horror of not having a graphic image to supplement *that* definition? Think of the confusion. Chaos. Anarchy. Dogs and cats, living together, in sin. Which brings to the fore the wondering of the issue of cat graphics. One must go see...

Nope. No cat drawings. Not even a tiny little black and white early 1400's woodprint. I think cat lovers everywhere should take arms up on this one. Why, it's pure favoritism and bias, it is. It's outrageous. They can't get away with this. Quick, you cat people, write a letter to Webster's and demand that this aggregious oversight be corrected imMEDjiately. 'Course, this *is* the Third New International Dictionary. Subsequent editions could have rectified the matter. It *has* been 38 years...


Damn; almost 5 am again. You'd really think that constantly getting only 4 hours of sleep would wear me down, wouldn't you? Sadly, no. (freakin' frackin' rickin' schnickin'...)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Spindler say before he skate with her, he wear garlic from neck and sleep with cross.

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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