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Monday, Dec. 02, 2002 - 2:41 a.m.

Yesterday was a bust, so I have avoided the news all day today. Is it just me, or does anyone else notice a severe downward trend in the stature of politicians lo, these 20 years? ::sigh::

Outstanding Search of the Day
Boy, was it a busy 24 hours for searchers, last. The award for most creative goes to Chefs great googly moogly. The hilarious thing to me is that actually turned up 19 hits.

Lamest Search of the Day
Goes again to the AOL'er who insists every day on AOL searching titsandass. Hey, spaz: please, I beg of you, GET A LIFE.

First Lame Runnerup

Second Lame Runnerup

Net Lore Google of the Day
Mimi Smartypants

So I am now a Smartypants hanger-on, dancing out on the fringes of Smartypants fame. I hardly know how to react. Kinda makes me feel like a groupie. Do they have net groupies? Does this mean I have to adopt some cute groupie moniker, like Penny Lane or Ruby Tuesday? What, exactly, is net protocol for this situation?

Other of the day's googlers include 3 Katie Doyles, Tremors-Kevin+Bacon, and quotes+"live life on the edge". Interesting, rather motley collection today. I comment on it mostly because I have nothing else to say, so I guess I should go to bed, ay?

We don't need no steenking shooger
At least that might end the craving for a package of Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes that I've been fighting to ignore for the last several hours, since at least 6:30 (it's 3:10am now). It's not that I'm fighting it because I'm not supposed to eat sugar, mind. It's that I don't want to drive a mile down the hill in the middle of the night just for however many ounces of chocolate cake fat and cream filly goodness. I am not a slave to my cravings. I'm not. In fact, just to demonstrate my rebellion, I have eaten 2 double dutch chocolate slim fast bars, half a package of pistachios (oh dear; hippos for me again tonight, it seems), 2 microwaved burritos, and a green apple jolly rancher. See? I can ignore the siren call of chocolate cake and cream filling. I really, really can. (especially when it involves driving a mile down the hill and then back up again at 1:18 am, which is when I made the definite decision that damn it, I was going to be strong and fight this hellish craving). Anybody who doesn't think sugar is an addiction is either an idiot or 1,000% completely and utterly, congenitally clueless. See, a few weeks ago, a few (two?) scientists held forth that sugar is an addictive substance, and the rest of the scientific community shot them down.

Oh yeah? How else do you explain diabetics and hypoglycemics sugar-feeding themselves into comas when they know better? Like I don't realize how bad it is for my body every time I eat the stuff? My vision blurs and I get lightheaded, for crying out loud. That does not keep me from wolfing an entire package of Hostess in oh, around 45 seconds. 'Course, that nifty little feeling of tranquilized euphoria I get could have something to do with it. But when all I can think about for 7 freaking hours or more is how much I want that sugar and can't wait to score it, there's a serious problem there. And normally, I would have gone down the hill. Many's the time I have, at 1 or 2 am. But my boyfriend is home, and I can't have him see me eating this stuff when I'm supposed to be trying not to, because the next time I whine that my jeans are too tight, he'll be able to point out that maybe they wouldn't be if I'd lay off the sugar a little. So I'm just sort of trying to tough it out. And promising myself that first thing tomorrow morning, I can drive down to the Chevron station and score a hit.

But yeah, it's probably not an addiction.

::sigh:: I'm going to go read Harry Potter (year 4) and try to think about something else. Have a good day.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Isms, in my opinion, are not good.

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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