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Friday, Nov. 01, 2002 - 12:39 a.m.

How cool is this? I am now listed in someone's list of favorite diaries. That's like, better than an Oscar. (I have an insane desire to say "that's better than an Oscar, yo," but I am fighting it.)(Not well, apparently.) It's even cooler when the person who cites you in his favorite diaries list is someone you have cited in yours because you think they're really witty and intelligent and not due to a courtesy citing. Hoo-ah. Of course, then it occurs to me - now, it occurse to me, I suppose I should say - that it's probably really uncool to comment in your diary that someone else lists you in theirs. Sorta like Sally Field standing behind the podium at the Oscars crying "You like me. You really, really like me." Tomorrow there'll be all these flash-bulby pictures of me with captions underneath them that say things like "You list me. You really, really list me," and Doyle Saps Out.

Oh well. I'll take my chances. Maybe Brian Lafferty can quote me on his Stupid Quote(s) page.

Revenge of the Quoted
I wasn't going to write anything tonight, because I'm feelin' kinda schleppy, but just for the hell of it and to clean up some of the dust, I went to check my guestbook and discovered that, wonder of wonders, someone had actually signed it. Two someones, even. One of them claims to be Brian Lafferty, of the Stupid Quote(s) of the Day Lafferties, so take that as you will. Wouldn't that be a riot, if someone I quoted from the web/paper actually stumbled onto my little ol' online diary and read that I had stupid-quoted them? I can't imagine that it's actually THE Stupid Quote(s) Brian Lafferty, though, so we'll move on. I did email him, though. Wanna know what I wrote? Is it totally faux-pas to reprint it here? I wouldn't, except that I don't actually believe it was the Brian Lafferty. If it was, I really do feel a little badly, because it can't be very nice to be all earnest in your outrage, only to find yourself stupid-quoted the next day. And I mean, who am I to bag on a guy for wanting to manage a golf course on the Vineyard? It's all very easy for me to sit up on my high horse and bag on the guy, but still. It's a pretty big hulabaloo for a damn golf course. Seriously, heads will roll, and all that. And to be fair, I also bagged on the people who are fighting the golf course. But that's probably not much comfort to you when you see your name all headlined under The Stupid Quote(s) of the Day, huh? ::sigh::


Feta, Baybee
The other guestbook signage was from CuppaJoe, who purports to only recently have discovered the feta-y goodness of the Greek Omelette. How any reasonable adult manages to avoid said discovery until what must be an established adultness is beyond me, but the guy says he just stumbled onto it fairly recently, so we will cut him some slack for his new hipness. I, myself, am a HUGE fan of anything feta, so while I am plunged into icy shock that someone might go this long without the wonder of the Greek Omelette, I welcome the newcomer into the fold and say "Hey, Joe," - how cool is that, his name is actually Joe and makes this hackneyed beginning relevant - "try one of my favorite pastas, penne with sundried tomatoes, basil, and feta." Mmm! Or tomato, basil, and feta pizza, sans sauce or other cheeses. Good time snackage there, Joe. Then again, maybe he's not that big a fan of feta. I can let it go. Really.

Oo! I might even get to wear...lipstick!
I guess that's it. Nothing really going on today. I am kinda wound that I get to go to a wedding with the boyfriend type tomorrow. Which is pretty exciting because we've known each other since 1997, but I have never gotten to dance with the guy, and I am a sucker for dancing when you can touch. The mere thought of being held close to his clean-smelly goodness while swaying to the strains of Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett is just more than I can bear, frankly. It's just a big ol' 10 on the romantic scale, and fills me with excitement. Especially seein' as I'm the kind of cheeseball girl that thinks dancing for no reason in the middle of the living room while dinner is cooking on the stove is all super romance and dying happy. Poor guy. That's got to be his vision of Domestic Hell. I'm sure when we started dating, he had no idea he was going to end up with the Mooshiest Girl in All History. Sometimes when we're watching tv or a movie, I look at him, and he takes one look at my face and says "you're gonna be all mooshy, aren't you?" Poor guy.

But I think he secretly likes it.

A lot.

Peace out,

Cavort, cavort, my kingdom for a cavort

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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