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Monday, Nov. 04, 2002 - 1:52 a.m.

Okay, y'all, check it out.

(I really should stop reading CuppaJoe's diary, before I go all ghetto-cool and start spouting yo-isms and y'all's all over the place. If only Joe weren't so hip and all that; I fear I am doomed.)

Will the REAL Brian Lafferty please stand up?
So, like, the guy that signed my guestbook purporting to be Brian Lafferty apparently is Brian Lafferty, of the Stupid Quote(s) of the Day Lafferties. I hardly know how to react. He seems much nicer in email than in the paper. But I am suspicious by second-nature, so I am not fully trusting of the whole coolness thing, because it would behoove him to come off better than he does in the paper, but then again, why should he care what some chick in sunny CA thinks about him and his major golf course battle? He could just write me email that says "hold up bitch," except that that would be really rude, and since he's like a businessman and all, probably not his style, though I would be willing to wager that some parts of the day that thought does at least pass thru his head. Or maybe not, but seein' as he's the kind of guy who deals with millions of dollars at a time, I'd say the word bitch is definitely in his repertoire, but I digress, and it's entirely possible that for the sake of decorum, if nothing else, I should probably stop writing the word *itch. (how's that?) Anyway, so this Brian guy seems a decent human being. At least he has a decent sense of humour, and he did not go off on me for making him one of the Stupid Quote(s) of the Day, so he's probably fairly all right and definitely more all right than the schmucks I used to work with in production. That doesn't mean I won't stupid-quote him if opportunity presents itself, however. And that brings us to the next part of this missive.

As the Vineyard Turns
After I got email from ol' Bri, I googled the whole golf course debacle over there on the Vineyard, and man, is that just fraught with peril and disaster. It is vicious, my friends. You have no idea how nasty golf can be. Oh, sure, you see commercials that make fun of golfers breaking their clubs and stuff like that, but you never, ever see the seamy side of golf, and believe you me, it has got a seamy side. There's corrupt-appearing politicians and wetlands and bird activists and low-income-housing-used-as-a-weapon* and threats and admonishments and disparaging comments...I'm tellin' you, it's Peyton Place. I have never had more fun looking up a story in my life. I will have to start following it and giving you guys Vineyard Golf Course updates, because really, it's too much. I'm fascinated by it. Probably far more than I should be, but why stop obsessing over ridiculous things at this stage in my life? At the very least, I think it'll turn out to be a veritable gold mine of stupid quotes, and that totally makes it worth it.

*For the purposes of reference, it should be noted that low-income (aka affordable) housing on the Vineyard is $700/month for a 300 square foot studio apartment. Which probably has no windows, but that's just idle supposition on my part. I do, however, feel safe to say it definitely has no views at that price. Oh, and by the way, 300 square feet is a 30 x 10 foot space. Or 20 x 15. For 700 bucks a month PLUS utilities. Can you imagine the riff-raff? Shuh. That Sibley (bird) chick must be positively ape at the thought of whom her neighbors would be at that insanely low price.

Diaryland Gold
So, I signed up for Gold membership today. If I ever have the time to figure out how to add snazzy links and stuff over there on the left, I will. Maybe even a graphic or two. Live life on the edge, yo.

(damn that Joe...)

Love, Look at the Two of Us...
You're supposed to read that with the Carpenters' song in your head, since this next bit is about the wedding.

So, like, the wedding was pretty decent, considering I didn't know either of the people getting married. The bride was really nice though, and she looked gorgeous (and I'm not just saying that) and I was REALLY impressed that she knew my name, even though she'd never met me. Turns out she'd studied her guest list, so when she heard my boyfriend's name, she knew who to pair it with. Which is pretty damned impressive, if you ask me; she didn't know either one of us. If it were MY wedding, I woulda said "hey; it's MY day, and these people can learn MY name, thank you very much." I sure as heck would not have studied a guest list. That woman has manners, and based solely on that, if nothing else, I hope she has a stellar life filled with happiness. She also seemed a truly nice, genuine person, so that's easy to say. Both she and her new hubby were really nice people, and it made me really happy to have gone when they actually toasted all us guests and thanked us for coming and sharing their happiness. They said it better, but at any rate, I thought it was nice and made me happy I'd gone. Plus I met a really nice woman named Maureen and had a great time talking to her, so it was generally a very pleasant evening all the way around. I am, however, totally bummed that I did not get to dance with the boyfriend. We were eating dinner during the few slow songs that were played, and by the time we finished, it was all Bob Dylan-y and stuff like that, which segue'd briefly into karaoke, which was somewhat odd, and then that gave way to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack and Voulez-Vous Couchez Avec Moi C'est Soir, which I suppose is kind of fitting, if not entirely "appropriate." Not that anything the bride/groom choose to play can be deemed really inappropriate, but anyway. There was no slow dancing. I swear to you people, I don't think it's ever going to happen.

That's it, I guess. I hear an ugly rumour you can actually make a diaryland trading card, so maybe tomorrow I'll make one of those. And there are two excellently stupid quotes I heard about, so when I find them, they will have to go up. That chick who doesn't like common birds is apparently quite stupid when it comes to quotes. Which just fills me with glee, but I guess that's for another day. Until then, I remain, faithfully, your Katie.

Peace out, y'all.

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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