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Monday, Sept. 20, 2004 - 7:50 p.m.

My thanks to those of you with kind words for the (non)work situation. It's appreciated.

Happy news on the election front, for those of you who might be feeling depressed or like it's not even worth showing up to vote. That's what all those pollsters and people touting the polls want you to think. It behooves the Bush campaign to play up his "eleven point lead" in the polls. Only, it really isn't. It's more like 2. I had been hearing this for a while now, and John Zogby finally gave up the goods on his website. You might have heard of Zogby. The Zogby Poll(s) is one of the nation's leading polls and indicators of how things are going in the country. It's been proven accurate time and time again. Zogby knows his stuff. And he has it a 2 point race. To read how and why, check out Whatz New on the Zogby site.

Sorry, 'Pubbies: you aren't kickin' ass like you thought you were.

And all you Independent thinkers and Dems? GET OUT THERE AND FREAKIN' VOTE!!!

Are you registered to vote? Because if you're not, I've got the site for you: Votergasm. You can fill out your ballot online, print out the PDF, and send that puppy in. There's also an interactive game wherein you can vote for which way you think the pictured person votes, Pub or Dem. I'll send some kind of goofy prize to anyone who can correctly guess which picture in the bunch is of me. (those who personally know me are ineligible for play)

If you're unsure when the deadline for registration is in your state, go visit Rock the Vote, where you can also print out a PDF for registration, or NOW, which will tell you what your deadline is and provide an easy fill & print form like Votergasm's, all in one fell swoop.

You can also swing by any post office and fill out and mail a voter registration form there, which is what I do. And remember, if you've moved since the last time you voted or the last election, you have to fill out a new one.

My plea to each and every person who reads this blog is to vote in this election. My hope is not only that the idiot currently residing at 1600 will find his ass kicked to the curb come Election Day, but also that a lot of people who never cared enough to vote before will find out how EASY it is to do so and that yes, your vote counts. Break the spell of apathy and get involved, people. If you choose not to, if you choose to spend your life sitting back and doing nothing, the people who continually fuck this planet and us over for personal gain will continue to do so, and we will continue to find ourselves getting the shorter end of the stick every passing day. Your vote is your chance to speak up and say "this is what I need to live my life, and this is how I plan to get it." You do not have to agree with me on what's important, you just have to frickin' CARE about something that's important to you, and do something to MAKE IT HAPPEN. It isn't that hard, it isn't expensive, and it doesn't take much time. The only time in my life I've *ever* had to spend more than 15 minutes voting was the very first time I voted - and no, I'm *not* going to tell you which election that was! :)

So please, people. Register to vote, and then go do it! I will love you, your friends will love you, your kids, puppy, and neighbors will love you, hell, even your *cat* will love you. He or she will just hide it really well.

Thus begins the Great Katie Doyle Voter Registration Drive of 2004. When you have done all you have to do to register to vote, send me an email by clicking the Post Office link in the upper left corner of this page. The last week of October, I will have a drawing, and 5 lucky winners will win a prize. I'm not sure what, yet, but some kind of prize. I have to go thru my hoarde of emergency party gifts and see what's in there that people might want. This being the first time I've ever done this sort of thing, I'm not real sure what kind of prize people want, so feel free to include that in your email. And just so I'm not leavin' out my international readers, if those of you who live in Canada or New Zealand or anywhere else can pursuade someone who lives in the US to register to vote, then when that person actually does so, drop me a line, and I'll enter you, too. Sound good? I hope so! Stay tuned to this blog for prize updates.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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