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Saturday, Sept. 18, 2004 - 3:09 a.m.

So, I remarked yesterday I was no longer jobful. As in, jobless. Long story short, what basically happened was that I got passed over for promotion twice, both times because there was no money in the budget, and the second time being a mere 2 weeks ago. Maybe 3. After I had already been told I had the job. It was pretty damned disappointing to hear that "no, we have no money" yet again, especially after a story producer already telling me yes, but whatever. If there's no money, there's no money. You write it off as the stupidity of bean counters and the upper echelon and move on.

Then you walk into work and your friend intercepts you to tell you she's really sorry, but she got the job you were given and then turned down for on accounta there being no money for it. And then an hour later, another of your coworkers - one whose been there for one quarter the length of time you have and has shown zero interest in moving up in the company - blithely stops by your desk to tell you to congratulate her, she isn't logging anymore...because she has the position you got turned down for which was then given to someone else and now there's not only money in the budget, there's money for 2, but YOU are not one of them.

I just sat at my desk going what. the. f--.

So I got up to go see Jonny C and find out what the hell the deal was, because frankly, that was bullshit. And Jonny C pretty much verified my suspicion that it was ME and not money, and that I was being treated pretty crappily, so I ascertained that yeah, it really was a big cold fuck-you wet fish slap to the face, and I quit. Only JC was cool enough to fire me so that if I can't get a job pretty quick, I can file for unemployment, which I really appreciate. (He was also completely not a part of or responsible for the snub and was himself not happy about it.)

And a couple of other people were suitably shocked and shared my WTF response, and they promised to sling some connections my way, and one of them has the juice to submit me for a job (which I don't think is going to go thru, but it's nice he wants to work with me enough to try anyway), so at least I don't feel utterly scorned.

Just really ripped off and bitch slapped.

And I have learned enough that never again will I routinely (if at all) work unpaid overtime or give 115% so that someone else can profit. Ever. I am done with the going above and beyond the call. My work ethic can just fucking bite me, because that crap has never paid off for me, and I'm tired of pouring tons of energy into projects wherein other people benefit financially from the fruits of my labours and continually take my efforts for granted. Maybe Assboy was right. Maybe the key to the whole fucking thing is What's In It For Me. It fucking kills me to acknowledge it, because that's never in my life been my deal. I don't work the angles, and I don't like people who do. It's sneaky and dishonest, or it's selfish and greedy, and I do not want to be one of those people. I abhor them. But between the two of us, he was the happier one. He's the one who got to take naps at his desk every day and take tons of 30 minute smoke breaks constantly. He was the one who skated by with the minimum amount of work for the same amount of money, and it didn't bother him a whit. In fact, he got made supervisor. Now, admittedly, he got made supervisor to get out of Jonny C's hair and as a little bit of karmic payback so that he can know what it's like to have people barking at you because the workload isn't being met, but the bottom line is, he will still skate, and he will skate for $100 more a week.

And me?

I got screwed.

Peace out,

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