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Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005 - 10:00 p.m.

So, yesterday at work sucked ass in a way that totally redefined suckage. In a nutshell:

* I have no idea what is expected of me, and no one seems willing to tell me.

* The assistant who gives me what instruction I do get, while a very nice guy, sucks at giving directions. Perhaps because he doesn't know what the task is for either.

* I had to sign a contract with no numbers attached to it. I do not know about you, but I do NOT sign blank pieces of paper.

* I was informed I might not be there past next week...or I could be there till the end of May; "it depends on the workload."

* I was informed my pay had not actually been decided.

* I spent an entire day on a project I was performing incorrectly...due to the use of the word "transcripts" instead of the more (as in, actually) correct term "bite pulls". So I spent an entire day culling bites from the massive amounts of them present in the transcripts, rather than the already narrowed down - and acceptable - bites in the pulls. (fyi, a transcript is everything anyone said in 30-60 minutes of footage)

* My supervisor found out I am making more money than she is. This resulted in massive amounts of animosity. She found this out because she asked me to write down what I was told by someone unofficially, and I did so, not knowing she was not already privvy to this information. She promptly went to the boss and threw a conniption. This resulted in her being told oh no, you're getting a bump, I just hadn't told you yet.

That did not placate her.

* She spent the rest of the day popping up unexpectedly and demanding to know what I was doing.

* I discovered the behemoth project was incorrectly done and had to redo it, pulling "everything," as the boss told me to do. I gave her the new, shorter version and she ripped into me. I pulled too many bites and apparently from the wrong places. She finds this stupid and feels I am incapable of doing it correctly. She demanded to know what I was thinking and why I would think this was correctly done. Bearing in mind I got no explanation from her when I asked on how to do the task. Have I even *seen* the show? Have I *ever* watched even one episode? Oh I have? Well, *how many* have I seen, because I obviously don't understand how it is written and what is important. I am to take many episodes of the show home and watch them, as well as watch an episode every day. She threw up her hands, grabbed my work, dragged me with her and gave it to someone else and put me back on monkey work. I spent the rest of the night and all of today cutting and pasting. At least no one yelled.

* I was then informed that the pay I was told is the pay I will be making; however, I am on probation until the end of March, at which point my performance will be re-evaluated and they will decide whether or not I contribute to the team adequately enough to keep the job.

* The guy who gave them my resume spent the remainder of the day and the first half of this one micromanaging me. From his cell phone, no less.

And just as incidental information,

* My supervisor is sleeping with the boss.

* Everyone who found out who I answer directly to made the exact same "oo..." face and informed my she talks down to and blames mistakes on everyone else. She is insecure in the extreme and thinks everyone is gunning for her. No one likes her. My job depends wholly on her satisfaction with me.

Supposedly the assistant lividly hates her. Whether he does or not, today he took total pity on me and promised that as soon as the current episode wraps, he'll explain how things work there. He acknowledged I've had no training whatsoever and have been unfairly tossed into the water with a 50 pound weight tied around my neck. Which, frankly, I was grateful to hear. We spent the rest of the day firmly bonding over our mutual misery working under the supe. I am, to put it succinctly, chum in the water. I'm just trying to avoid the shark.

I spent my evening at work from 7 to 8:30p watching an episode of the show. On the way home, some dumbass in a Volvo station wagon decided that despite the fact my car was right next to his on the 101 at 75 mph, he was entitled to occupy my lane. In the space currently occupied by my car. I slammed on the brakes and pulled the wheel over toward the right. The car in that lane did the same thing, which meant he was headed for a very large, impressively looming wall. Both our cars fishtailed. And the asshole in the Volvo ripped back into his lane and then floored it to get away. I went so rigid that when I pulled the wheel, I strained the tendons in my arm, from my wrist all the way up to my elbow, on the inside. It hurts like hell, and both of my shoulders do, too. I'm just lucky the fucker realized oh wait, there's a car there. I'm sure the screeching brakes of two other cars and the resulting smoke and stench of burning rubber helped clue him in. Of course, all he actually had to fucking do was glance to his right before he moved over, since we were neck and neck with each other, and he could see me right thru his passenger window, had he bothered. I am also lucky the guy next to me was only about halfway even with me and on the ball, and that while most of the 101 has no shoulder on that stretch of it, this particular section did, otherwise my friends, I'd be lying in a trauma center right now, with the jaws of life to thank for getting me there, and so would the guy who was to my right. I can't believe both of our cars fishtailed just perfectly to miss each other. I really thought we were gonna hit each other and that the Volvo was gonna finish the job.

I just love almost becoming a statistic.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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