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Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 - 2:48 p.m.

Day 3 consisted of: grapenuts & 2% milk, carrots, popsicles, another ice cream sandwich,2 diet cokes, and a ham, turkey, & swiss cheese sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and 3 tsp. of low-fat mayo, with 2 squares of bittersweet dark chocolate for dessert (70/42). And lots of water. I am all about the water these days.

But the bottled kind, because LA has the crappiest tap water of anywhere I've ever lived. It either reeks so badly of chlorine that you can smell it halfway to your mouth, or it tastes bizarrely of wet cardboard. Which is not only gross but more than a little disconcerting. What must one do to water to make it taste exactly like wet cardboard? Besides steeping cardboard in it, of course, and why would a person or city do that? I know what wet cardboard tastes like because of my bizarre paper addiction as a small child, and believe me, that's what LA city tapwater tastes like right now. It's best not to think about it, frankly. Which is why I'm drinking bottled.

Day 3 was also Thursday, which is usually Bad Movie Night, so last night Em and I watched - and mocked the absolute hell out of - Bram Stoker's Dracula. Em got out the old trivia on it and we compared the looks on people's faces in the film to what they later told the press they were actually dealing with at the time. We took a rather fiendish delight in watching Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder together, given the amount of hatred they shared during filming. I have to say that while Winona truly sucked in the rest of the film, she managed to turn her disgust into a passable turn at passion/attraction, so she must have some acting chops in there somewhere. I mean, you know, somewhere.

And if any of you are fans of Pete the Awesome Battle Bear (or L'Ours Pete, Le Tr�s Formidable, as he is known in France), I have returned his photos to him, and he is posting again. :)

I feel snarky. I am tired and my allergies are kicking ass and taking names. I am sick of being unemployed and never hearing anything back on jobs. And a host of other things I'm not going to get into. But just to let you know, Lola is on patrol.

And one of the things she feels the need to rip apart - well, really, the only thing I'm going to get into - is Palmer Cash tees.

You've seen those ads, because they're on every single site that sells or allows Blogads. So if you read a single Blogger/Blogspot or Typepad blog that features ads (and even if you don't, because they're everywhere), odds are very much in favor you have seen an ad for Palmer Cash. Seriously, you couldn't avoid them if you tried. And what annoys the living hell out of me about Palmer Cash - besides the ubiquitous, hopelessly "hip" ads - is partially the unrelenting "trendiness" of the ads, partially the crappy product. To quote the ad: "PalmerCash and his band of misfits have collected all sorts of artsy, vintage, random and ohh so witty tees for your enjoyment."

Yeah, if by artsy, vintage, random, and ohh so witty, you mean artless, derivitive, crude, and tacky copies of shit that should have died a horrible, agonizing death way back in the 70s. Even the site is a rip off of Napoleon Dynamite, which I can only imagine Palmer Cash must have provided the art work for, because it's absolutely splattered everywhere across the site, and the company is based in Idaho, which is also where the writer/director of the movie is from. And while I actually sort of enjoyed Napoleon Dynamite?


At any rate, let's do the Finds.

My favorite Find of the last few weeks is Grocery Store Wars, a parody of Star Wars using organic vegetables and food products. My favorite is Chewbroccoli, who really got that wookie cry down. :)

While looking around on PetFind, I came across an abandoned dog that is the result of Merle-to-Merle breeding of Australian Shepherds. While M2M breeding results in 25% of the dogs being born blind and deaf (or with some bit of hearing), many people still breed this way. Some of them are ignorant, and some of them are just willing to destroy 1 out of every 4 puppies or pass them off as normal to other people who will destroy, neglect, or abandon them later. If you are into Australian Shepherds, please educate yourself on the matter. It's your responsibility, if you ever plan on breeding your dog. It's also your responsibility not to go specifically for the merle when you know goddamn good and well it's going to result in a special needs dog, especially one you are not prepared to properly care for for all of its life. That's right, I'm callin' you out.

Mmm, ice cream. :)

I'm not really sure how to classify, but if you want to know something about anything dispicable (and some things not necessarily so), you can probably find it there. I must warn you, however, that while some aspects of the site are utterly harmless except for their sarcasm, this is not a friendly, happy site, all singing birds and fluffy bunnies. PLEASE DO NOT GO THERE IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, SQUEAMISH, OR REASONABLY EASILY OFFENDED. Because you *will* step in something that will piss you off. Some parts of it are truly gross and disgusting on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. That being said, some parts of it are brilliantly hilarious in their scathing outcome. Most notably, the biography of El Ron H, noted founder of Scient0logy, which is located in the library section, where I have started you off. (it seemed the safest, least offensive link)

And here's an oldie but a goodie, the link to All Things Philosophical on BTVS and Angel. The girl who runs it has a Ph.D. in philosophy.

And another oldie, The Ship's Log o' the Festerin' Boil. Aaahhr, matey; International Talk Like a Pirate Day be only 2 months away. Shiver me timbers and blow a man down. P) (<---that thar be an eyepatch, matey; thar be pirates here.)

I must go now. So far on Day 4, I have eaten nothing.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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