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Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2005 - 12:44 a.m.

I got an evite today for a Cinco de Mayo party, from people I don't even know. Wow. That's awful nice of 'em, but I don't think I'll be going. They invited 301 people (so far). I don't think they'll miss me.

I came across some pretty funny links today. Friday should be fun. Aside from that, I got nuthin'. I had a lot of errands to run, but nothing really got done, which is not good, because I have a lot of stuff to ship by Wednesday, and half of it needed to go out today, and now I'm working tomorrow, so it can't go then. I do not like being late, and that's all I seem to be, these days. I hate that.

I actually had something to write about, but darned now if I can remember what it was. Shoot.

I have another reason to hate the cat, though. Somehow Sunday morning, she managed to knock a knicknack off of its table and onto the concrete floor, thus breaking it, and it was my grandmother's. It's this arch of elephants marching across a span of wood, all holding each other's tails, and it's carved out of a single piece of ivory, from back before ivory was illegal to import, and she brought it back from safari in Kenya. The kind of safari where you shoot the animals with cameras, not guns. Which makes it all the more notable for being ivory, because my grandmother was very conscious of this kind of thing and against the poaching of elephants for their tusks. She thought it was resin, but closer investigation shows it to be made of ivory. Which is not so important as is the fact that it is broken, and the reason I have it is because my gramma collected elephants, and this piece was the focal point of the whole collection and the thing I remember most about it. I spent many a long time fascinated by it as a child, so when the elephant collection was dispersed among the family members, that's the piece I asked for. And the fucking cat broke it. Does anyone have the faintest idea how to repair ivory (assuming I can find the 2 pieces I have been unable to find as yet)?

I'm handling the whole thing rather well, considering I really want to beat the crap out of the cat, as a) she has no business being up on tables, and knows it; b) she has no business being where she was that she leapt down from onto the piece, thereby kicking it off of the table and breaking it; c) why the fuck would she choose to land where she did, rather than taking her usual path; and d) I really already hated the cat. Basically I locked myself in my room and cried for about a half an hour. She could have broken any number of useless fucking tchotchkes in this house without raising my bloodpressure more than 1 or 2 whatevers, but no, she breaks the one thing that really has meaning and about a million memories attached to it. I am so fucking over the fucking cat that it's ridiculous.

Wow. Yeah, I'm mad. Sorry about that. Here's something funny to restore the balance of good vs. evil: Clean Screen. Maximize your window for the full effect. :) I realize it's kind of ironic, given the rant I just gave vent to, but it's still really cute.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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