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Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005 - 4:27 a.m.

JonnyC's birthday bash was fun. :) Unfortunately, I had a cool present I put together for him (I know, I know, I said only cd's, but the idea came to me, and it was too cool to pass up), and I forgot it! (read with a slightly whiny/pouty tone) Damn it!

I didn't post Friday Finds yesterday because I was working on the present and making a second mix cd for him, "Party Til You Puke! (or just feel like it)," and frankly, that kept me up til 6:30 this morning. Or Saturday morning, since technically, it is now 4:30am. ::sigh:: Why do I do this? Why isn't the world a night world? Why isn't the world open 24/7? I am not the only night owl on the planet, so frankly, I think shops and stuff should be open at night, too, so those of us with body clocks in the reverse can live life equally. The world is completely and unfairly slanted to you Daylighters. It's grossly prejudiced and biased.

I have gotten quite a few inquiries into the cd trade thing, and I feel it behooves me to say that no, you do not have to go all out with your cd. Seems people are all freaked at the idea of liner notes and covers, etc.

No. Just burn a cd and send it along. That's all you gotta do. Well, that, and avoid Kajagoogoo like the plague. Marburg, people. And thanks. :) Also, when you email, tell you what: if you want a cd with cover art (and maybe liner notes, maybe not), just say so. Otherwise, I'll send it off as a plain old cd with Katie's 80's Mix written on it in Sharpie. Deal? That way you are under no obligation to do anything other than make a cd and send it. Sans Kajagoogoo. Or heavy metal/acid rock. Or rap, honkytonk, or opera. Yngwie, though, Yngwie's okay. :D

Those of you who know what Yngwie is, sound off. And no fair googling to find out. If you know it on your own, you will so impress me with your dazzlingly cool music knowledge. :)

It was a slow week for me, so I'm sorry, but there's not a lot in the way of finds. I just didn't surf the web that much.

You can catch some amazingly ugly dresses here. Some of those are so bad, I would have to stop speaking to the friend who made me spend my hard-earned dollars on them.

Who the heck knew there were people playing numerology with the Bible? Isn't there something just a little sacriligious and blasphemous about that? I mean, seriously; the kind of people who tend to do it are the very people who think psychics get their "power" from the devil and are wrong, too...explain *that* dichotomy, Chuck.

If you need easy to understand help with web stuff, I highly recommend Lissa Explains It All. What I think is also highly adorable is that you can still view the first page she constructed, when she was 11. So cute. And helpful. :)

The 80s Server is not as cool as Gizoogle, but it's good for a few minutes of amusement. Enter your company's website and revel in making them sound like airheads briefly, and then move on. I think they should jazz up the program, and it's a little disturbing to me that my own diary is barely discernibly different when fed thru the filter, but there you have it.

Courtesy of Em, Janet Klein is a prime example of someone taking a theme and just flatout running with it. I mean, wow. It's a neat website to poke around in, if only for it's design elements, if nothing else.

And on that note, I must sleep now.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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