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Friday, Jan. 28, 2005 - 3:15 p.m.

Before we begin, I would like to ask that you keep your fingers crossed and do a little prayin' for Marn and the newest little curmudgeon in her life, Vera. Vera doesn't feel well and is on shaky little kitty paws, so send the good vibes her way. Both of them need it. :(

I have been catching up on my Dland reading, and there is much to be had out there, some of it downright high-larious. Witness CuppaJoe's rant against the i-Pod, which includes such quotable gems as this: "Apple would love to be Microsoft... they live in the very same American Corporate World, you geniuses. They aren't powered by positive thinking and the Rainbow Coalition for a Free Tibet."

That just slayed me and is one of the

Diaryland Quote(s) of the Day:
"...I said fine, handed her a whole grape, and resisted the urge to kiss her goodbye and tell her I'd see her in heaven."
--Mimi Smartypants

"It is not really cool to hope for hostage situations but that one would kind of crack me up."
--also from Mimi Smartypants

"this is america, land of waste... and i can find no boxes."
-- Albygocougs, on her moving-woes (as in, woes which have been caused by having to move, not woes which are moving...or, something)

"Hello ann-frank, meet your quadriceps. Quadriceps, ann-frank."
-- ann-frank, who, by the way, has like the single cutest template image in all of Diaryland. I will be so sad when she inevitably changes it. You should also read her entry on the horrors of Tony Danza and his talk show. It's more an intro, really. I am hoping she does not forget to spell it all out for those of us unwilling to throw ourselves down on that particular grenade. I work in reality television (or did, once upon a time; god willing, i will again. work, anyway). Having worked off what karmic debt as I have, I am unwilling to submit myself to more "entertainment" travesty than is absolutely necessary...

"I like to practice escapism
Even though I am already perfect at it"
-- I Come Undone

Don't we all?

"Is there a way to cause a fatal carbon monoxide leak in someone's house without being detected and sent to prison for intentional homicide? A....friend of mine was asking about that."
-- Rumblelizard, on the neighbors from hell.

"I said, 'Right. Whatever,' and shrugged in a way that conveyed that I was going to get right on that, just as soon as Satan�s Ice Cream Truck comes rolling out of hell and sells me a Choco Taco."
-- again with the Rumblelizard

"So really, I don't think the song by Rose Royce which is called "Carwash" has the word squeegee in it but I thought, what the hell? It's not like any Rose Royce fans are out there to get offended and pummel me with rotting produce."
-- Ahna, of stealmypurse, who also has an adorable template and is my better half...or would be, if I were two people and Katie Doyle were only half of me. Speaking in a strictly non-relationship sense, of course. All you lesbians out there who are hot for some Katie Doyle action can relax, coz it ain't happenin'. (I am just KIDDING; do not send me hate mail because you think I hate lesbians or am so arrogant I think they all want me. It's not like I'm a guy.)(Oops; bygones, my male readers.)

Normally I would quote Sundry here, but she has her own site, now, and is, therefore, no longer a member of the Diaryland family.

"Well, this week the �imminent threat� is to Social Security. And the fear tactics are the same � convince the public that a crisis must be averted by prompt action. Divert attention from real issues: such as, the growing deficit, devaluation of the dollar, the flag draped caskets that are coming home on a daily basis, and the failure of the on-going war."
-- Tariqa

I would like to take the time to point out that Social Security had a $1.4 TRILLION surplus until George W. Bush raped it to fund other programs through the year 2013, which are not SS-related. Ask yourself this: a) if Social Security were in such dire financial shape that it was in serious danger of running out of money, why in fuck would you take that money and spend it elsewhere? Indeed, b) why did SS have a surplus, if it were in such dire financial difficulty??? Then ask yourself c) if Bush is in so much trouble he has to steal the Social Security surplus to pay for other government programs, why did he cut taxes to the richest 1% of people in this country???

And lastly:

"There are few things quite as wonderful as the tip of a dog's ear."
-- WeeMe

That's it for the quotes. I'm disappointed I can't quote the Sunnflower, but I can't get into read, for some reason. Alas.

In one of my poliblogs, I found a link to this video, which is a truly beautiful 3 minutes of Fox "News" anchor Brigitte Quinn gettin' well and truly spanked by Vanity Fair's Judy Bachrach, who does a truly spectacular job of wielding the paddle. Judy, I adore you. Carry on. :)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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