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Monday, Jan. 24, 2005 - 11:20 p.m.

Dude. Johnny Carson died. That is not supposed to happen. Like, ever. It's Johnny, man. Johnny was cool and hip and funny and smart and just darned awesome. I liked him in junior high and adored him all the way through high school and college. I was bummed when he retired, but I was still holding out for some kind of special where we would once again be treated to the joy and wit of a guy who just got it. I'm really bummed he's gone.

I went to the LA Gift Show yesterday, and holy smokes, was that place HUGE. Seriously. Imagine Carlsbad Caverns. You know that one really gigantic room that just goes on forever and ever? Take that, make it bigger, then replace all the stalagtites and stalagmites with tons and tons of people and stalls filled with sparkly things. Make 90% of the people women who push and maul and just generally live up to every sitcom sales stereotype since the beginning of television, and you pretty much have the experience. Only to fully experience it, you have to spelunk those treacherous confines with 10 or 12 pounds of rocks and 3 pounds of trade magazines strapped to your back for roughly 8 hours. I got cool beads, though. I'm just disappointed I didn't get better quality for better prices. I thought it was gonna be actual wholesale, but it really wasn't. I still saved money, though, which was cool. Plus, I picked up some really gorgeous blue moonstone rings. Dude. :)

I'm playing a new game while I type this, but you have to wait till the end of this post to find out about it. And no fair peeking!

My spelling skills have completely abandoned me, btw. I have misspelled at least a dozen very simple words since I started this. Some of them had all of 2 syllables. Coz I'm adventurous like that, yo. I misspell the bi-syllables with wild abandon just the same as the short singles. Take *that* Mirriam-Webster.

::sigh:: And now punctuation has abandoned me, as well. Perhaps I should quit this now... Seriously, it's a bloodbath. Be glad you are seeing the edited (dited??) versiion. Fuck. I'm leaving that one, damn it. My little finger is beginning to hurt from all the backspace carnage.

So, today I'm driving to a JOB INTERVIEW!!! (finally) and traffic is slowed to a practical standstill (stantstill?) for block after block on Ventura Blvd., and when I finally freaking get up there, it turns out it's a Lexus SUV and a Mercedez sedan, the latter (sigh: later) of which has rear-ended the former, and while neither vehicle has even a scratch or tend (that means dent in my new typing language), the girl in the Mercedez is barricaded in her car, on her cell phone, while the Lexus driver has more paperwork spread out across her hood than you would think could be needed for a totalled vehicle, let alone 2 with no damage at all (zero, zilch, nada, NONE - the guy's license plate wasn't even dented), and he's slowly taking down so much documentation that I think he probably knew hwat (live with it) form of birth control she uses, all while they're both blocking the middle lane of a major frigging east-west artery thru the San Fernando Valley, backing up traffic for at least a mile while we all have to find a way around them - FOR NO DAMAGE WHATSOEVER TO THEIR VEHICLES.

I'm tellin' you, it's behavior like that that makes Angelenos want to shoot people in traffic. It's why helicopters are ubiquitous here and people make fun of Californians and why, whenever traffic is at a standstill for 5 miles and 10 hours, people are so pissed off that when they get to the head of it all, there had *better* be death and destruction, because some dumbass getting hooked up to a tow truck better not be all that's responsible for fucking their day up to such a monumental degree. My theory is that people in Los Angeles are so crappy to each other solely because the traffic is the most unholy thing on the face of the planet, and I am not kidding. When you die, if you go to hell, you spend eternity in LA traffic, in the blazing sun, with no air conditioner. But there they were, in all their idiotic, manicured beauty, and I tell ya, I had to marvel at the moronic idiocy and self-centered bullshit of people in this burg. But I eventually got thru it and was still early for my interview, which was cool, and it went really well. I don't think I'll get the job, because it all hinges on typing speed, and there are plenty of people who type faster than 85 wpm, or who will claim to, anyway, and since speed is of the utmost, I somehow just don't think I'll get it. But it was nice to finally have an interview, and one of the guys who owns the company turns out to have worked for the same soul-sucking, lifeforce-bleeding, evil place of hell that I did when I first got to LA this last time, so we renewed our acquaintance and I finally got to hear some of what happened the day he told a producer there to stuff it and then walked out without telling anyone but me, apparently. Which was really cool, because I sat back and watched everyone else freak out while marvelling that for the first time in my life, I actually had the scoop before anyone else. I know that sounds awful, but it was an awful place. I really enjoyed watching the havoc unfold while I sat on the peaceful little island in the middle of the stream while everyone else floundered. It was just sorta cool not being the one drowning, for a change.

Okay, so to get to the game, I got it from Golf Widow. She calls it a meme. I think of it more as a game, but I suppose since I am perpetuating it here, it is, indeed, a meme. I used to play a version of this with my friend Aaron, a long time ago. We would mail each other long lists of 80's lyrics and the other person had to name the song and artist. As I've been writing this, I've been listening to mp3's. I've taken down one line from each song. You get to guess the song and artist and post 'em to me in email or comments. I present you with 15, coz that's what it took me to write this entry, what with all the backspacing. For what it's worth, #14 is probably my favorite song of all time. I think it's one of the best songs ever written. And anyone who gets #2 will impress the absolute hell out of me. AND ABSOLUTELY NO GOOGLING ALLOWED! If you don't get it, you just don't get it. It's not that big a deal. Move on. You won't find #2 anywhere on the web, anyway, coz I couldn't quite hear the all of the line I wanted to use, and I couldn't find the damn song anywhere. It's an indie band. #15 is the only country song in the bunch, and most of them were recorded in the 90's, but there are a few remakes and some 80's in there. Have fun. :)

1. "We are bound by all the rest - like the same phone number, all the same friends, and the same address."

2. "So do you come here all the time? Why are yours fluffier than mine? I think it's time to change my bill, but your soap technique is pretty ill."

3. "I'm goin' to night school, I'm learning Japanese, my microwave and me know 50 recipes."

4. "She's blood, flesh and bone; no tucks or silicone. She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound."

5. "Now here comes your secret lover; she'll be unlike any other, until your guilt goes up in flames."

6. "I knew you before the west was won, and I heard you say the past was much more fun."

7. "And when you speak, angels sing from above - everyday words seem to turn into love songs."
1/28: L-Empress named La Vie En Rose. In my head, it's the Cyndi Lauper version, from the lp At Last, which I heartily recommend. :)

8. "Oh, I love you the most, always giving up the ghost in your own private conversations."

9. "It's far, beyond a star; it's near, beyond the moon. I know, beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon."

10. "So take me as I am; this may mean you'll have to be a stronger man."

11. "I can't believe you're the one for me; if it was this easy to find you, I should be ready for a fall."

12. "Now you're moving thru your waking world while in my sleep, I dream. Drift as you closely as you can without your ever being seen. But I know you're there beside me, just beyond my line of sight, out where the sun is always shining on the other side of the night."

13. "I'm out of vogue, I'm out of touch, I fell too fast, I feel too much."
1/25: Albygocougs got the artist, Jann Arden, and probably then, the song, which is "Insensitive," from the Living Under June lp. Right on, alby. :)

14. "So take the photographs and still frames in your mind, hang it on a shelf in good health and good time. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial, for what it's worth, it was worth all the while."
Green Day - Time of Your Life. Kudos to Auntie Em for knowing it and having the excellent taste of making it one of her favorite songs. :)

15. "Fallin' right into your hands, like rain on the desert sand, it's the last thing you had planned."

Bonus coz it came on while I was wrapping up:
"I, alone, am the one you don't know you need, you don't know you need me. Make me blind when your eyes close, tie me to the bedpost; tie me to the bedpost."

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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