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Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005 - 12:55 a.m.

These are the things I have learned this weekend:

1. Do not - I repeat, NOT - eat nothing for two days but little tiny wheat pita bread thingies and hummus. Trust me on this.

2. Lemon & Artichoke Pesto, while it might sound yummy, is actually not.

3. Yankee Doodles has truly terrible hamburgers and worse food service, and the exact same people who went there when I was last there 10 years ago are the people going there now. It's uncanny. Basically, this experience was to the letter exactly the same as the last. Seriously, it was so utterly identical, my head is still spinning with the astronomical improbability of it. It's like successfully navigating an asteroid belt, but there you have it.

Trader Joe's hummus is like the most wonderful foodstuff, ever. Which is why I went on a 2-day binge, because as we all know, I am all about the moderation, baby, and that stuff is the bomb, yo. Sadly, I have devoured the entire 24-oz. container and must now go without until I can motivate my lazy butt to go down to the very out of the way and inconveniently located TJ's in the most vile and hated mall ever, the Fallbrook "Mall". And I use the term loosely. Like, only because that's what it's called, not because it's what it actually is.

It is cold and rainy in "sunny" SoCal again, girls and boys. Blech. Today, there was some sun though, so I went out with my little grass scissors and cut the weeds around the little baby Vinca plants we put in in October so that they could get some sun and not die out from black rot and lack of sun. Did you know they make lawn scissors? They do. They look much like regular scissors, only the blades rotate so you can hold them in different positions, and you use them to cut grass and very weak twiggy things not much bigger in diameter than 8-gauge copper wire, which, if you don't know how big it is, is not big at all. I did that until my fingers were getting a little numb from the wet and cold and I was getting a blister on my thumb, and then, since all the Vinca I could uncover were now able to get sun, I went and weeded around the Cistus that was getting choked out by weeds and also getting leaf rot in some places. My back and legs were killing me by the time I was done, but my plants love me now. Especially as I crooned to them the entire time and told them how beautiful and wonderful they are. I am very big with the plants, yo. Plants dig me. People, not so much, but the plants? Oh yeah. The plants think I rule.

And before you ask, I would have yanked weeds, rather than cut them, but the ground is too wet, and it was really not good to be yanking great honkin' clods out of the ground, so I just cut. Weeding comes when it dries out some.

And now, better late than never, are the Friday Finds. But if you didn't read the Dland Quotes from yesterday, be sure to do so. There are some good ones there. :)

How cute are these playmat thingies? :) I think they're pretty reasonably priced, too, considering what some swank kid stuff is going for these days. Prices are at the bottom of the page in a table, but most are $41. I like the treehouse the best, but the little kingdom is adorable, as well. :) And for total cuteness overload, take a look at the "elfes". :)

The Caviar Firming Facial at La Prairie. La Prairie is "dedicated to the process of graceful aging".

Uh, yeah. I don't call slathering fish eggs on my face graceful aging. No, I do not.

Lemme tell ya: for $1000, not only would nothing come between me and my Calvin's, nothing would get anywhere near me and my Calvin's. I'm not kidding. I'd be walking around all Ripley-esque, with a flame thrower, just daring people to get in my way. You know that look on Ripley's face when she's carrying Newt and steps into the room with all the eggs, and then she's backing quietly out, but the one egg opens anyway, and she just sort of cocks her head like "now why did you have to go and do that?"? Yeah, that would be me if anyone even thought about screwing with my $1000 jeans. Clearly, I have better things upon which to throw away my money.

"Have you tried running in one of these things lately? It's a real bitch."

I just think this is udderly nifty. (Bygones!)

That's sort of 6 things, but the elfes and the playmats are on the same site, so consider the site the find. :)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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