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Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005 - 11:58 p.m.

I am giddy, people. Giddy, I say!

The illustrious JonnyC's birtday is coming up, and as I did last year, I am giving him a mix-cd (we do more auspicious presents at Christmas). I sat down to make this year's and realized I did not have enough music that fit the appropriate theme, which meant I needed to pick up an extra cd or two of music by various artists, so off I went to the Circuit City down the road.

I like Circuit City because their cd prices do not necessitate amputating limbs and selling them on the black market. So down I went, and perused the mix cd's at the end of the rock section.

May I say, it is amazing the wealth of music you can find when your criteria are it has to be cheap and it has to be cheesy. I found more stuff than I ever dreamt, and it cost next to nothin'; I averaged $7 a cd, and the most expensive one I got cost a mere 8 bucks (the cheapest was 5). Woohoo! I have already made up the mix, and it is a thing of beauty. The cover art is done, but I have to redo the liner notes, because I had a cd ready to go last night, but I came to the realization when I had finished it that it really wasn't cheesy enough...too many of the songs on it were actually cool. So now that I have a whole new selection of music, I have to rewrite the liner notes and reprint the playlist for the back. But I think I'm pretty happy with it. I will know tomorrow, when I let it play straight thru and make sure all the songs lead into each other well enough...sometimes they don't, and I have to make changes, which is kinda a pain, but there you have it.

My week had an extra day in it this week. All day Monday, I thought it was Tuesday, only to discover when I sat down to watch Gilmore Girls that it was actually Monday and 7th Heaven. :( Tuesday I had to keep reminding myself it was Tuesday, and then Wednesday, I jumped straight to Thursday, so I actually missed the first 10 minutes of Alias, which sucks, because I tape it for Marie-Pierre (in Paris), and that episode is now missing the set-up, and I have to mail it on Monday. Then today, I thought it was Friday all day long. It's a mixed-up, crazy world, peeps. But, I do get to work tomorrow, for just the day, and that's cool.

Would someone please explain to me why Kirk was wandering around town begging for a place to sleep? Did Lulu kick him out? When did they break up? WHY did they break up? Was Luke & Lorelei's reunion kiss not like the most romantic thing ever? And what happened to Doyle and Paris? How did that happen? And when? I am so confused...

And btw, that new Skittles commercial, where the sheep have men's heads and are completely unattractive and moronic, to boot? That damn thing has to go. It is unbelievably stupid and annoying.

Oh; I got that whole pesky NotifyList thing worked out, so if you wanted to sign up for updates, you can now actually do it by entering your email in the link there on the left, up at the top. And I have figured out the whole links color thing in Firefox, but I haven't had time to implement it yet. Sorry. Turns out I unfairly maligned Firefox, though that stupid scrollbar thing is still and issue.

Okay, peeps, that's it. I might have fun finds for tomorrow, assuming I can keep it in my head that it is Friday and not jump straight to Saturday, which is JonnyC's birthday gathering and shall be fun-filled. :) I have to go try to sleep, now. I actually have to get up in the morning.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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