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Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2005 - 11:37 p.m.

I am all high on the success of the current template and rarin' to change it up again, now that I am more familiars with the vagaries and foibles of Diaryland....maybe I should pace myself here and head over to Blogger, which is where my "jewelry blog" is (because they let me host it on my site) and practice there. I have a feeling Blogger is a little more complicated, since their user interface is. I guess I'll find out, huh?

Katie's 80's Mix, Vol. 1
So, taking a page from CuppaJoe and Dangerspouse, I am thinking of doing a mix cd for my Diaryland peeps. I like Dangerspouse's idea whereby you have to guess what the songs are and who did them, so I may just do that. Actually, the idea of a cd swap is totally fun. Here's what I'm thinking: I love 80s music, but my library is woefully lacking. See, I grew up in a time of vinyl. So all my cool stuff is on vinyl, where it is basically inaccessible, as it is all packed away, and the last time I tried to play something anyway, my turntable was malfunctioning terribly. So I am worried that much of my beloved 80s music is gone from me unless I spend thousands on cd's to replace it all. Since I can not do that, I propose a swap; if you will send me a cd of 80s music, I will send you one. Put your favorites, put stuff you hated, put stuff you're embarrassed to admit you like; whatever. And I will do the same and trade a mix cd with you. Just to warn you, I like mostly 80s rock, but I also went thru a huge phase of what was then called New Wave, and that segue'd into what eventually became progressive rock, which in turn became what used to be called alternative rock but is in actuality all anybody plays anymore. So there will be Journey, there will be Rush, there may even be .38 Special (or would be, if only I had it on cd), but there will also be The Church, INXS, Bananarama w/ Funboy3, there may even be some Thompson Twins. There would definitely be some Alan Parsons Project, if I but had any to put on there. You will get songs I hated, songs I loved, songs I remember fondly for whatever reason. You probably won't get any songs I still hate, because I will be listening to my own copy of the same mix cd, and I am not so much into the self-torture that I am willing to listen to stuff I hate, and please, for the love of all that is holy, please, DO NOT PUT KAJAGOOGOO'S "TOO SHY SHY" ON ANYTHING YOU SEND ME. I hate that damn song with a passion, and if I hear even one note of it, it's stuck in my head for all eternity. In fact, just thinking of it stuck it there, and now I'm going to have to work for 3 days just to bump it back to the dim recesses. The theme song to the Neverending Story, however, is good. And yes, I am a geek. :) So, any takers? I will trade a copy of Katie's 80's Mix to anyone who sends me an 80s mix cd of their own. Send me email at katiedoyleATyahooDOTcom, and I'll give you my address. :) And just so you know, I do jewel cases with cover art (and sometimes liner notes), so this is no fly-by-night offer. :) The only thing I ask is that you please not include the aforementioned Kajagoogoo song on any cd (doing so *will* negate all deals and agreements), and also please, no country. I am most definitely NOT a country and western girl, mainly because I grew up in the damn sticks, where honkytonk was king, and I hate, hate, HATE honkytonk with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. And then some.

No, You Shut It
This is the side of a cell phone conversation I heard tonight while I was in the bulk foods section at Whole Foods, looking for, bagging, weighing, and labelling salt. She must have been talking to her best friend or cutesy-cute boyfriend, and was waaaaay too old to be having this conversation:

Shut it!
Shut it!
No, you shut it!
No, you!
No, you!
Shut it!
You shut it!
Shut it!
Shut! It!
No, you shut it!
Shut it!
You shut it!
No, you!
Shut it!

I am not kidding. I was sorely tempted to get out *my* cell phone and hold it up toward her so my friends could share the experience with me.

Bad Ass Moths
I had this conversation last night. TB was watching a program on Discovery Channel about the survival capabilities of microbes, how they can survive at seriously subzero temps for thousands and thousands of years and are found still living not only in the permafrost of this planet, but also in the permafrost of Mars. I was working at the computer, listening to said program and commenting from time to time. Stuff like I didn't think it was really all that good an idea to bring back microbes from Mars, since they might be entirely different and badder microbes than we have here, and who knows what they could do, and that there could be some pretty bad microbes buried in the permafrost of this planet, for that matter. I mean, if they've been hibernating there for ages and ages, who the hell knows what might defrost one day, right? Global warming is a serious threat, y'all (she says for effect). (I mean, it is, but I'm being alarmist right now for the fun of it.) Anyway, TB is watching this, and I am listening as I work, when John Hurt (who was narrarating) says they found this moth which had been frozen in the permafrost of one of the poles for 40,000 years, and it recently returned to life when it was defrosted.

Me: Well, that's not cool.
TB: What?
Me: Well, I mean, that's not exactly something you want roaming around the planet.
TB: Why not?
Me: Well, I mean, it would totally kick some serious moth ass.
TB: (blinks and then bursts out laughing) Moss.
Me: Oooh.
TB: (laughing) You thought he said moth?
Me: Well, I was wondering why that was a cool thing. I mean, it could probably kick our asses.
TB: (nodding and laughing) That would be one bad ass moth.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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