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Monday, Oct. 24, 2005 - 11:57 p.m.

Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.

You may recall I have been trying to find work outside the wonderful world of television production. Partly on accounta I need to find some way to believe in the kindness of strangers again, and partly because I really hate logging and transcription, and despite my having done neither for some time now - and in fact having moved waaaaaayyyyy beyond it, at least in title, which is ALL that counts in the world of television, all I ever get job offers for is logging, which pays a pathetically painful $100 a day (for 10 or more hours) and requires me to spend a helluva lot more time in traffic every day than I am willing to, thank you very much. So there was the $8.90/hour grocery store job which I had for 3 days and quit on Friday, followed by the $10/hour retail stock job that I landed at noon today, and the $20/hour transcription job that I ultimately took, at 12:45 today. For Cybil, whom you may remember I worked for before....she's the one who snarled "I can't have that; I'm single" at me when I brought her a Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookie back from lunch one day, and who constantly takes digs at me about my personal appearance. I know I've written about her in the past, when I worked for this production company before, but I can't find the post or posts. Sorry. It's the job that I had that I left for Extreme Makeover: Hell Edition. The one with the incredibly bitchy and controlling coworker and the insecure supervisor who one second is all "Hi! How's it going!" and the next is whipping out the claws and slicing at me over anything from my weight to my looks. So I'm not exactly jazzed to be back there. But at $20/hour, the job pays way more than any other logging or transcription job on the planet, and in fact, almost as much as any assistant story position on the planet. So I couldn't pass it up. And then I get an email saying there's a really nice guy hiring for an assistant story position, and someone else called me and told me I should call the same guy, and I'm torn, because if I must work in television, I'd way rather do it in story than the bottom most rung of the ladder, which is what transcription/logging is. But I committed to this for the next 3 months, and frankly, I'm more than a little frightened that if I leave her in the middle of a show again, Cybil will take out a contract on my head. Literally. So I kinda feel I'm stuck with the work. I just wish something shinier and more pleasant hadn't come along 8 hours late the same day... And actually, I really wish I could find a job that pays what tv does that isn't tv. Because I'm really over the bottom of the ladder.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Wine-colored days warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights when we are one...
(bonus points to the person who knows what that is!)

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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