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Wednesday, May. 18, 2005 - 12:50 a.m.

Wow. I had to look something up and was rereading some of the stuff I wrote in here like 2 - 3 years ago, and man, was I a lot more interesting when I was in school. Clearly, I need to go back to it. What the heck; I've been wanting to finish up that horticulture degree anyway.

And now, would someone please explain to me exactly how in hell Catholics became the new spawn of satan? I have this "friend" (more of an acquaintance, really) who is a born-again christian, and in the last year or so, and certainly since he went to "teach" in Germany for 6 months, has become increasingly inflammatory in the mail he sends me. And he sends me mail almost every day. At first it started out as little notes, read this scripture. I didn't mind, because he knew I was having some issues, and he figured the verses would help, and he's a nice, thoughtful guy, so even though I knew he was hanging out with the zealots, I figured he himself was okay and pretty normal.

And then the mails started gaining intolerance toward people of other faiths, most notably Catholics, and were more and more about "the end times". Suddenly every other mail is about the evils of the pope or Catholicism, and since JP2 died, they've been all about how the office of pope is actually satan, and Catholics are all satan-worshipping demons bent on world domination and destruction.


I mean, Catholicism has pretty much had a lock on the Christian faith for the last 2000 years. Oh, sure, the Lutherans and Protestants can claim a certain amount of propriety as well, but let's face it: they are pretty much just offshoots of the Big C, which has, by and large since that whole cross incident, been the pre-eminent organization behind the whole spreading of the gospel, etc. Don't you think that if the pope truly were satan (the office, not the man), he'd have pretty much made his move by now?

Seriously, dude. Come on.

Today's mail was all about "the end-times" and how Catholics are bent on world domination and forcing everyone in the world to worship statues of the Virgin Mary and pray to the saints, which is clearly a violation of that whole false idol, thou shalt have no other gods before me, thing, and I'm thinking you know, in my entire life, not one single Catholic person has EVER tried to sway me to their way of thinking or insisted I, as a non-Catholic, follow their beliefs. In fact, aside from that whole contraception and gays are a sin thing, the Catholic church has never in any way hindered my life experience. Evangelical Christians, on the other hand, have spent a huge amount of time making my life really nasty and telling me what a fucking awful waste of oxygen I am, sure to burn in hell. They are the most oppressive people I have ever met in my entire life. So I'm wondering just how in hell Catholics got to be the bad guys.

Oh wait. They believe in freedom of choice and that you should practice God's will in your daily life, treating your fellow human beings with respect and love, and that charity is something we should all practice, every day.

My bad. They ARE evil.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
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