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Saturday, May. 14, 2005 - 3:47 p.m.

Woohoo! I got my CuppaJoe cd today, the CuppaMix for 2005. Cool. :) I love me my Joey. And trading cd's is cool. I love getting trade cd's!

It's hot hot hot in Sunny CA today, peeps. I hope you guys are having good weather or are able to go to the pool and have a nice time if it's hot. Have a nice cold soda and a 3Musketeers bar from the freezer. Yummmmm. :)

And now, the Friday Finds!

Ever since I saw these ridiculously high-priced ballet slippers, I have been pining for the cute little soft-leather pink ones I wore as a kid. The balls of my feet probably couldn't take the lack of padding in the toebox anymore, but I still want a pair. :) They remind me of my childhood ballet classes, which I loved (somewhere, I still have a tiny little pair of satin pointe shoes), and nothing beats the soft leather of a worn ballet buttah. :) In my search, I came across these cool Vegan ballet slippers, so if you're a Vegan who despairs of ever finding a decent, real pair of ballet slippers, look no more! Now, the sad disclaimer: unfortunately, the factory that makes them has decided to stop, so they're selling out at the site; however, what they do have is half-price, so get thee hence, young (or not so young) Vegan. NOW.

As for the rest of us, the NY Dancewear Company sells a wide range of adorable slippers for less than $25, and most are like $15 a pair. So cute...and inexpensive!!! For those of you who have never bought a pair of ballet slippers, you need to know they tend to run large (though not always), so be sure to read the fitting advice for each shoe carefully before you order.

Okay now, this is hands-down my favorite find of the week, and I could hardly stand to wait until Friday to post it. :) If, like me, you know someone with nifty, gorgeous handwriting and wish she could letter every invitation you ever send out in your life, well, now she can! :) Fontifier will now turn that cool handwriting into a font for you to keep. You just download the form, fill it out, scan it into your computer, and upload it to Fontifier. They will then turn it into a True Type font you can download back to yourself for a measley $9. :) (after you preview it and decide whether or not you like it, for free, of course!) For those of you using Mac OS9, they will direct you to download TTConverter for free, so you can convert the TT font for use on your system. For those of you who think it's too hard or above you, if you know how to scan, up/download, and save a file or drag and drop it, you can easily use Fontifier. :) I personally can not wait to use this...but I first have to drag my scanner out of storage!

Those of you who do the bikini wax thing - and dream of one day achieving glittering porn star status in your own home - might like Just Kittyng.

And before I get tons of skeezy emails from men who think I am the Katie Doyle from MTV and Playboy, no, I'm not, and no, I will not tell you what my personal hygiene regime consists of. Freaks.

My brother is having a book published! Admittedly, it's a dry type of read for those of you not all that interested in the minute details of World War II, but I am proud of him nonetheless. :) He used to play with army men and stuff when he was really little, and then when he was about 7 or so, he pestered the heck out of my mom to buy him those Time-Life index-type cards (I think they were T-L; they were full color and measured about 6 x 7" and you had to subscribe to getting the whole set, a new set every other week or something) all about WWII and the machinery, weaponry, tanks, people, and facts of the war. Mom got 'em for him, and from that point on, he was basically obsessed with anything having to do with WWII. He studied history in college and is now a bonafide expert on WWII. Seriously, he can tell you anything you might want to know, and then some. He started writing papers on the subject (he's actually been published several times already, in magazines having to do with both the Civil War and WWII, as he knows tons about both), and taught himself Dutch (he is fluent in it) so that he could read obscure texts (and talk to Dutch historians) about that war that were only written in Dutch. Not surprisingly, his book is about the Dutch Air Force's role in the fight against Japan during WWII. I'm really proud of him. :)

I don't really get this, but find out how much your blog is "worth" at Blogshares. I guess it's like fantasy football, but with blogs. Frankly, I like Hollywood Stock Exchange better. I don't play aggressively enough, and only every once in a while these days (I prefer longterm investments...yeah, that's it...sure...), but I've still got H$7.2 mill. ;)

Okay, chicas, those of you who get little bumps from shaving, or ingrown hairs from waxing/epiladying (sorry guys, but us chicks gotta talk for a second, here; suck up the TMI and move on), TendSkin comes highly recommended.

And finally, if buying American-made clothing of organic cotton, from a sweat-free shop and a smaller business is something you consider important, check out American Apparel. You can get an organic cotton tee for a measely $15 - waaaaay less than the trendy folks are charging for a regular old t-shirt. And these come in a variety of styles, not just your blocky guy tee or the trite (and in my case, much-abhorred) capped sleeve baby doll type thing. They even have baby tees and hats and thongs, for those of you into that sort of thing. Women's thongs, not baby thongs. Because a baby thong would just be so horrendously wrong, on so many levels.

And on that note, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. :)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Wonderful girl; either I'm going to kill her, or I'm beginning to like her.

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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