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Sunday, Dec. 15, 2002 - 1:18 a.m.

Watching Al Gore bounce a chihuahua up and down on SNL tonight was a decidedly surreal experience. Sadly for Mimi Smartypants, he was wearing his pants the entire show...

Correction to the Diary Entry Before the Diary Entry Before This One
Jingle Bells in french is not Vive le Vert, it is Vive le Vent; Live the Wind. See, I can not always read MP's writing. I wondered why the guy kept singing "veev luh von" instead of "veev le vair". Boy, is my face red. I don't even get the lyrics right when I have them right in front of me. I like this song, though. Whoever this guy is, he sings it all Vegas loungy, so it's totally shooby. I'm tellin' you, I have to fight not to snap my fingers. I do make lounge singer faces, though, and point my finger all shootin' style at the imaginary crowd to the right of my computer desk. And I tap my toes. Okay, sometimes I snap my fingers. But only sometimes.

With a Government Like This, Who Needs Terrorists?
So, the FBI has fired one of it's agent translators for ratting them out for delaying translations and stalling the agents in the field in order to sweat more money out of Congress for their budget. Not only that, but when the same translator agent told them they had a mole working at the desk next to her, they told her to mind her own business and not tell anyone. Yeah, I can trust these assholes to behave responsibly when it comes to my privacy and/or civil rights. Not to mention not getting my ass blown up next time I fly home.

In a related story I found over a month ago, back when I was trying to get Lola under control for a while, the military has been firing linguists too, for being gay. This despite the fact they are desperately short of competent linguists who speak arabic languages, and all of them worked at the military's primary language training center. Let's see...what's the greater evil: terrorists blowing up civilians, or a guy who makes snuggly with another guy on his OWN FUCKING TIME? Yeah, I'd go with the gay guy being the Big Bad. Because clearly him sticking his tongue down another guy's throat is a Monumental Threat To the Very Fabric of Life and Safety. God only knows what destruction could result, how many lives could be ripped apart by such reckless disregard for human existence. Jeez Loufuckingouise. And they wonder why anyone with half a fucking brain has no faith in the relentless stupidity of the corrupt, pocket-lining schmucks running things in Washington. No wonder no one ever fucking shows up to vote.

Hey, Egghead...
Ya know, someone should tell these guys, the more you call a membrane a "brane," the more like an astoundingly geeky dork you sound. I'm just sayin'.

I'm all for the cool space-time-universe stuff, but please. When you start sounding like an incredibly bad, pseudo-trendy slang version of Star Trek, you really need to re-examine the image you want to project.

Jean Jacques Goldman
There is nothing quite like a Highland reel with a french violin behind it. He doesn't have the best voice in the world, but I can't help it; I like his stuff. I have River Dance totally raging in my head. Only, you know, without Michael Flatley Lord of the Dance and annoying dancers, so it's actually cool. MP's hooked on the guy; now I really want to go to one of his concerts, too. They're supposed to be awesome. ::sigh:: Stupid California. None of the totally bitchin French violinists EVER come here...

Google Code
Okay, so it's totally freakish, I know, but I am convinced people sometimes send me messages via Google. How else do you explain searches like Katie+is+dumb and How+to+kiss+a+girl+for+Doyle, huh? 'Splain that, pipples.

Nosy Katie Doyle googlers: 2
Nosy Kristy Doyle googlers: 1 (Hello, Australia)
# of Katie Doyles on the web: 82,700
# of Kristy Doyles: 11,900
# this diary falls on in nosy Kristy Doyle searches: 56th
# of alphabetical D'land searchers: 1 (why do people do that?)

I love all you "great+googly+moogly" Chiefs searchers. Who'da thunk that commercial would spark so many googles?

Hey, Brian. Yeah, Lafferty, you!
Hi, Bri!!! No new golf quotes lately. I have not had time to search. You *could* pony them up for me, ya know. Just drop me a short mail that says "Hey, Katie, there was a commission meeting yesterday," or "We're suing the snot outta those MVC losers and there's pithy all over the place in the MVTimes," but whatever.

Okay, 's time for bed, mi amigos. G'night.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

"Didn't I ever tell you about Bumbles? Bumbles bounce!"

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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