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Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002 - 11:35 p.m.

"Hi, Ho; Kermit the Frog, here." I used to walk up behind my friend Heather when we were working together and say that. I do a pretty fair imitation of Kermit, albeit just for that one sentence. The product of far too many days spent watching Sesame Street I'm sure. It used to crack her up. I miss that.

::sigh:: It really ain't easy bein' green. Kermit really knew the score. It's too bad that at the age of 5, you don't realize he's singing metaphorically. 'Course, he also sang The Rainbow Connection; it's entirely possible Kermit did a lotta drugs.

(I'm just kidding. I love Kermit. Please do not write me hate mail because I slammed on Kermit the Frog. Kermit rocks, I've met him, and I have the pictures to prove it. I'm also close personal friends with Gonzo the Great, so don't go gettin' all wonky on me, or I'll have the...whatever Gonzo is open up a #10-size canna whuppass all over ya.)

Okay, right off the bat - sorta - I should probably say today's entry is not for the lipstick faint of heart. If that's you, when you get to that section, you probably wanna say "G'night, Katie" and hit the hay. Otherwise, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Print that Retraction, Katie
So, I guess my face should be red over that whole sniper thing, huh? Did I miss THAT by a mile, or what?

You're Too Poor to Warrant Proper Healthcare
Every time I think there's no worse way for the government to spend my money, it proves me wrong wrong wrong. It's good to know the government chose to let this asshole go back to his clinic and continues to pay him for abusing his patients' trust, misreading mammograms at a pathetically shocking rate and telling women they have no breast cancer when they very clearly do, thereby effectively killing them. You have to fucking love the system, don'tcha? If you're due for a mammogram, read this article, and please check out the lab that reads your x-rays.

No Stupid Quote(s) Again Today
I haven't had time to surf lately, which is depressing for a variety of reasons, not the least of which on any given day I usually find at least one really juicy, terrible, stupid quote. I guess I maxed out my card on all those golf quotes. It was worth it, though. That story was pure gold in the ridiculous players department.

Excellent Quote(s) of the Day
"I don�t mean to be so harsh, I was actually pretty darn helpful, but if you are 18 years old and you can figure out how to program 13 different annoying rings for your cell phone - you should certainly know how to wash your own clothing."
--Ann-Frank, modern day diarist, not the one who died, on the invasion of her neighborhood laundromat by college students and other clueless interlopers.

And who, in and exceedingly odd case of serendipity titled her most recent page, which I just read, "Put another notch in your lipstick case." Eerie. (Well, okay, not necessarily eerie, per se, but still a little freakish. Of course, you have no appreciation of the freakishness factor, because you are reading this as a cohesive whole - sorta - but I am posting the excellent quote an hour after I first posted the page, coz I'm just now reading other people's diaries, and I haven't read hers in a week, so the fact that I chose tonight to read it after I had just obsessed about my lipstick is somewhat strange. And probably a little dysfunctional.)

I Got Lipstick, I Got Lipgloss, I Got Chapstick, Who Could Ask for Anything More?
Okay, maestro, drum roll, please. And now, the big moment you've all been waiting for: Katie's Lipstick Roll Call. I have to say, even I am shocked by the sheer volume of lipcare products I own. All I ever wear is chapstick, so the fact that I have 6 tubes in 5 different brands isn't all that surprising. But the *lipstick*. Wow. I went back and took most of my exposition outta here, but be warned, there's still probably a bit more info than you really if you need to know what lipsticks I own. Anyway, I tried to restrict my comments to those colors I really like. So here we go:

I used to avoid Avon products like there was no tomorrow, but boy, do they have some cool lipstick colors. To whit:
1. Shell
2. Frosted Rose - should probably be called Mad About Mauve. I have actually worn this to auditions. It looks fabulous.
3. Cosmic - sheer, pearly brown. I also look fab in this. But it looks an awful lot like our next shade,
4. Almond Glaze - the only lipgloss I own. Smells like vanilla, wears incredibly well, and moisturizes like a dream. Have worn it on a few occassions that didn't even involve auditioning, just for the hell of it. I had kissably wet lips. Oo, la, la!
5. Pink Shimmer - a cross between Frosted Rose and Cosmic...for the girl who just can't choose. I just put it on; what the heck. I try to look glamourous for my adoring fans.

6. Sheer Mauve - oddly named, copper-brown. You can barely tell I have it on. It's in the Revlon line that come in long, gold tubes. I don't know which line it is, but I heartily recommend this lipstick. It smells like mint and tingles. It also keeps your lips nice and moist, so it's good if you're having chapping problems, and it wears well, too.

7. Sweet Honey - my newest and most favorite shade. It's the exact same color as my own lips, and it's sheer, so you can't even tell I'm wearing it, which sort of negates the whole reason for doing so, but in my own perverse way, that's why I like it.
8. Glow Bronze
Okay, now, at this point I have to say I know I have at least 3 more Clinique lipsticks, and I think it's actually 5, but I don't know where they are, so I guess we don't get to count them. Onward.

9. Mischievous - pale, pink. Very 60/70's. Have also worn it to auditions.
10. MARS! The best. Wear it to most dressy auditions. Incredible. Tres formidable! C'est chic!
11. Murmur - Very light frosted brown. Total retro, very cool. Wear it at auditions whenever I get to audition for the hip chick. Which sadly is not often enough. It's mostly young moms. Hence, the number of different shades of brown in my lipstick repertoire.
12. Matte Mode
13. Fauve - Fire-engine red. Only wear it onstage and powdered into submission. I have two of these; I got them as gift-with-purchase, which is the same deal with Matte Mode.
14. Crushed Rose - a wine red that looks fabulous on stage. Crappy in daylight, however. Only wear under perfectly lit conditions. Like stages and dark clubs.
15. Anime - another red, that from the looks of it I had never put on until just now.
16. Sepia - Great henna brown. I highly recommend it. Before I got all the Avon browns, this was my audition lipstick of choice. Go on, girl!

I have more L'ancome, too, but I don't know where they are. I have a whole make-up bag full of lipsticks that's missing. :(

Undetermined Brand...Sassaby?
17. King of Carob - worn once or twice.

And finally, the piece de resistance,

18. Shimmy Maxx 2002 - An absolutely AMAZING shimmery wine color that is the invention of my friend Shimmy. She made it thru Colorlab, and it's gorgeous. I've yet to see anyone who looks bad in it. It's lipstick magic!

Speaking of Shimmy, if you want to get your own Shimmy Maxx 2002 lipstick - which I can not imagine you will ever regret - you can probably contact her thru her website and ask her to make you one. Sadly, Colorlab doesn't list all the colors they've made for people on their site. I got mine at the world premier of a documentary about Shimmy, Wannabe: Just a Boy and Her Dream. I'd never been friends with anyone who was the subject of a documentary before. But the really cool thing is that I would have liked the documentary even if I didn't already know Shimmy and her alter ego, Avery.

If you'd like to check into designing your own fabu shade of lipstick - not that I'm saying you have a fetish, or anything - check out Colorlab.

Anyway, now that I have lulled you to sleep with my lipstick inventory, my work here is done. I have call tomorrow, AND I'm fighting off the flu :( so good night.

Peace out,


Cavort, cavort, my kingdom for a cavort

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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