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Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 - 12:57 a.m.

It's here. It has arrived. That season every year where the Gap slaughters yet another cool song and every kiss begins with kay.

Tis the season for commercialism, and it has utterly begun in earnest.


Dear ToysRUs: Do we really need a Hummer for kids?


Bush nominates Condi Rice for Sect. of State...coz, that's really gonna put an end to that whole fear of unilateralism Democrats and the rest of the world which is not Britain or the US feel. Right? Right? RIGHT?

What I actually find astonishing is that the National Security Advisor who placed absolutely no importance at all upon a briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in the US" was not only not fired after the worst terrorist attack in this nation's history on her watch, but is actually getting a huge, whopping promotion.

What do you have to do to actually get fired from Bush's--wait. Scratch that. You have to do the good and true thing. THAT gets you fired from the Bush administration. My bad. As of yesterday, 6 of Bush's 15 cabinet members have resigned, and there are more expected to...I really have to wonder what that's about, frankly. The more astute among you have to, too. It really can not bode well. I'm guessing that whole "reaching out" thing? Yeah, that's over.

On a lighter note, as I have apparently become one of those women who eats frosting out of the tub (actually, I put a little into a ramekin - I have not yet graduated to Mama Cass consumptive class - or size, thank God), I can now attest to the quality of some mass-produced ready-made frostings, and I can unequivocally state, without an ounce of hesitation, that Betty Crocker kicks the livin' daylights outta Duncan Hines, which has an odd taste and a bitter, more-than-slightly metallic aftertaste. Ugh. On a scale of 1 to 5 spatulas, 1 being utter but edible dreck and 5 being the best frosting ever in the entire world and half the known universe, I would have to give the Duncan Hines a 2. I would give it a 1, but I pretty much feel one would have to be reserved for truly horrendous stuff like beet frosting or something. I mean, it tastes weird (the DH, not beet frosting), but it's still edible. It does have that really not good after taste though, so it might actually be better rated as a solid 1.5 spatulas. I actually sampled the Creamcheese flavor of Duncan Hines. For texture, it really only gets a 1, because it's terribly soft. Not so much creamy as just...soft. For taste, the aforementioned 2; nothing like creamcheese frosting, weird taste, not sucky, but definitely not really *good*, either. Actually, I'm changing my mind. For taste, 1.5. For aftertaste, a definite 1. For overall snack-craving satisfaction, another 1. For a total of 1.125 when computed mathematically. Wow. That's even worse than I might have otherwise arbitrarily graded it. Yowza. As for Betty Crocker, I chose the Whipped line: good texture, good taste, no weirdass metallic I very much enjoyed the Buttercream frosting flavor, which was delish, frankly. For texture, a good, solid creamy 3. For taste, 3; could be more like actual buttercream frosting, but it's still nice. Aftertaste, a 4. Just more of the same creamy confectionary yum; not perfect, but yummy. For overall satisfaction, a 4. I would say 5, but I think you have to leave room for that one perfect frosting tub I feel certain must be out there. Which gives the Betty a hefty 3.75 spatulas. I have yet to taste test the Pillsbury. Will have to let you know.

Many thanks to those of you with kind words and emails about TB situation. It's disconcerting. As I am currently unemployed and looking for work, I am still in the house. And TB has apparently decided I did not mean my tear-filled and jerky "It's time to call it quits," or the sleeping on the couch, and has taken to acting like nothing at all was said and I did not mean any of it. Which pretty much fills the house with ambiguity and makes it pretty hard to stay resolute. I am still moving out, but I gotta say that life has gotten even more limbo-esque than it already tended to be, and frankly, I fucking hate limbo. Flux sucks. I am so not a flux girl.

Just so you know.

I had more to write, but again, I'm just really not in the mood. Sorry. Suffice to say, I am pleased as punch they will be recounting Ohio, regardless of how it goes, I'm really hoping for a nice comfy, ergonomic gel saddle for my bike this December 4, and man, websites are a lot of work.

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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