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Oct. 11, 2002 - 11:01 p.m.

My new favorite quote is "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." Brilliant, that.

Peas suck. So does she.
Okay then, I have a question. Why the hell is it when you say you don't like someone, the person you say it to assumes you're coming from a place of insecurity instead of a firm grasp of what you do and do not like in this world? I've known what I don't like since about the age of 3; do I really need someone telling me the reason I don't like peas is because they're living in my old room? I don't frickin' think so. It's like when you have a guy friend and you say you don't like another girl you both know, and the idiot guy says "that's cause you're jealous." No, it's because she's a raving fucking BITCH, you moron, and right now *you're* not very high up on my list, either. I have never in my life told someone "oh, you don't like that because you're jealous/afraid/insecure/want your old room back." I assume when someone tells me they don't like a person or thing that they're old enough to know their own mind and what they do/don't like. Am I just that much more evolved than the rest of the losers on the planet? I mean, my typing skills are for crap, so I can't be that much further along. But I do know what I do and don't like, and I have pretty firm reasons for all of it, so if you want to know, then ask me why. Do NOT inform me it's for some crap reason YOU embrace. And don't make assumptions, either. Jeez.

Gas & Candybars
Ya know, it occurred to me today, as I was putting gas in my tiny little gas-eating hamster wheel, that I never in my life thought I would pay $1.55 a gallon for gas (or $1.79, either, for that matter). Or, when it gets down to it, over a dollar for a friggin' Coke. When I was a kid, hangin' out in the allowance zone, sodas and candybars were 15 cents. You could actually buy things with *pennies*. They weren't useless bits of fake copper taking up space and getting in the way to the point you throw them away just to be rid of the darn things. And before you go writin' me off as really old, hold up, Cochise. That wasn't that long ago. It was the 70's, not the 50's. A dollar would last me darn near a week back then; can you imagine that now? Inflation sucks. Which causes me then to ponder. One of the things I ponder is the high price of automobiles. Remember in the 80's, when automobile plants started to mass automate and laid off workers because they didn't need 'em? A lot of other types of factories are solely automated now, too, and the reason they gave for why it was such a great thing was that robots don't have to be paid union wages, so they help the manufacturer to keep prices lower. That being the case, why the hell does your average car cost $15-25 or 30,000? My paychecks haven't inflated that much. And all those textiles plants in Taiwan and other places aren't saving me any cash, either. So how the hell come prices keep rising, but profits supposedly don't, and my pocket grows increasingly empty while the fat cats at the top get more and bigger tax cuts and a new yacht every year? I'm just wondering.

And now, The List.

10 Things I Know I Hate:
1. Assholes
Right off the bat. I know this about myself because I'm in touch with my inner child, embrace my inner geek, and because they're assholes.
2. Lima beans
3. The 20 pounds I gained and can't get rid of, no matter what.
4. Hit & Run drivers
5. Losers
6. Intolerance
7. Greed
8. Laziness
9. Irresponsible people
10. Cleaning the bathroom; specifically, the toilet.
Why the hell are men the worst fricking urinators in the entire world??? I would think when you've had 30 fucking years to practice, you could hit the inside of the damn bowl. But maybe that's just me.

All right then.

Later days, people.

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Don't even think it, punk.

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