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Friday, Mar. 11, 2005 - 9:47 p.m.

Friday Finds today, but first, I would like to make the observation that it is amazing how liberating the words "what the fuck" truly are. Joel's buddy Miles called it right from that Porsche, because "What the fuck" does give you freedom. Since I decided my firing is inevitable and I don't really care, I am much more cheerful, and life in my workplace is a lot less stressful. This does not mean I *want* to get fired, it just means I am resigned to the inevitable and the fact that I am basically powerless to change it. I still marvel at the Deep Dysfunction there, though. And for the first time in my life, when someone was screaming at me and coming unglued at what they perceived as failure on my part, I was utterly calm. Man, that's a novel feeling...I like it. And for the first time in my life, *I* was the person standing calmly on the edge of the freakfest, watching someone else have the anxiety attack. I felt bad for The Kid, but I gotta say, it was really nice being removed from it all and actually being the one to inject calm into the meltdown happening in front of me.

I feel really bad for The Kid, because he's in way over his head, and when 3 people are simultaneously making demands you perceive to be of equal weight and with full disregard for the other demands being made, you are then placed in the suckass position of trying to figure out which one of them is most likely to crush your head upon disappointment. It's hard to think clearly when your head is in danger of being crushed, and that poor kid was looking at a crushing to end all crushing, as far as he was concerned. I could totally identify, especially when he gave me the look of desperation as the lead editor pitched a hissy to Bruce, who - without even asking - assumed that The Kid had done it all wrong, turned, and whipped out the bitch on him and stormed off. I took the paper out of his hand and handed it back to the freakcase of an editor and calmly told him there weren't anymore choices; that was all he had. He and The Boss stood there a second, then he gave an "Oh," and they both walked off, but not before The Boss nodded at me. The Kid then thanked me profusely, and I was all 'de nada, baby; remember *you* are the walrus - koo koo kachoo.' Then I went back to my desk and listened to more iTunes. Because apparently I am all about the iTunes, these days.

Have I mentioned, btw, that TB "bailed" while racing dirt bikes last Sunday? Tore ligaments, etc. and is on crutches for the next 6 - 8 weeks. I feel kinda bad for the guy, but not enough to let him have my car every day.

And now, the Friday Finds. :)

For some reason, I have a hankerin' for mocassins. I do not know why, but these are much like the pair I used to have when I was a kid. The ones I wore holes in and duct taped the bottoms of over and over, until I was forced once and for all to deal with the mortality of my favorite pair of shoes. Alas. Mine were dark blue and had neat beads on them, but these will suffice in their stead. :)

You know, apropos of nothing, it occurs to me that most musicians sound really crappy once they've reached the point of no return of imbibing.

I'm just sayin'.

Some of the stories on this site go way beyond mere hell, to the seventh level. We're talkin' Dante's Inferno Room, people.

Also apropos of nothing, my boyfriend is sexy as hell when he sings the song they are currently working on out there in the garage. (and he has *not* been drinking) Too bad we can't friggin' live together. ::sigh::

I like peanut butter pretty much as well as the next guy, but I don't think I could do a peanut butter diet, thank you very much.

The International Pirate Blog. Because, DUDE. I mean, aaahhhr, matey! :)

The Memory Hole isn't exactly a find, but I hadn't been there a while, and someone sent me a link to an article there in mail this week. So it's sort of a remind of a find.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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