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Monday, May. 09, 2005 - 8:18 p.m.

You would think it a statistical improbability for every haircut I have gotten in the last year to suck pond scum. You would think that odds are I would find at least one fairly tolerable. You would think.

You would be wrong, my friends.

Alas, the bowl cut is alive and well and living on my head.

I am so going back to Todd the Hair God, it's unreal. I don't care that a haircut with Todd costs $70 with tip and everything and that because I do not have adequately gainful employment, I can ill afford such extravagance right now, I am so back in his chair...when this grows out enough to allow for it. And if I look on the bright side, I can allow that at least the *back* of my head looks pretty good. My bangs are atrocious, there's no style to speak of for the rest of my head, and I also look rather, um, what's the polite word...butch, but um, at least the back of my head is exactly right. ::sigh::

Alas too, the job hunt is not going well. I got my hair cut today in an effort to feel more presentable and less schleppy when I go in for interviews, which makes the badness of it all the more disheartening, but whatever. At least I got carded when I did my grocery shopping. I haven't been carded in a long time, so that was nice, especially as it came on the heels of the Very Bad Haircut. :)

Gimme Somethin' to Write On
I got this website from a troop member serving in Iraq and helping reconstruct Iraqi schools, and he says if you really wanna do some good, please send school supplies. The kids there are in really bad shape.

Finds, Anyone?
I feel bad I missed the Friday Finds, so let's do some now. And in honor of the upcoming release of "Star Wars" Episode 3 (and hopefully the last time George Lucas bastardizes what used to be a quality franchise), let's revisit some Star Wars oldies, but goodies, shall we?

Milk and Cookies may still have the original, longer version of Triumph the Comic Insult Dog going off on Star Wars nerds waiting for the premier of Episode 2, but the site is down for an upgrade right now. You can find it here about 1/3 of the way down, in the "NOT ads" section (#21, but you have to count). The same page has a link to what I was actually hunting for when I came across the Triumph link, an ad for the LA Film Festival (originally from that rocks. Look for the link entitled "When do you tell a buddy?" 23 down in the Newest Stuff section at the top of the page. It also has the Don Hertzfeld classic, Life As a Guy, #2 in the top section.

If you missed the original video of SWK, aka The Star Wars Kid, the video that sparked an entire genre unto itself, I found it on The Screaming Pickle. The best part of the original is about 1:10 in, when he starts making sound effects. For those of you unfamiliar, this kid lives in Canada (his name is supposedly Ghyslain), and he was goofing off at school one day after having seen Episode 1 or 2. Supposedly some of his friends found the videotape and made it available on KaZaa, but personally, I think Ghyslain dumped it onto the web himself. Either way, since geeks love nothing more than to torture other geeks by pointing the Finger of Geekiness at them and laughing fiendishly about how the new geek is so much geekier than the fingerpointing geek, summer of 2003, it pretty much made its way around the web faster than the original Deathstar could wipe out Alderaan. And causing pretty much the same disturbance in the Force, only this time of glee and laughter. The first week it was out alone, I must have gotten links to it mailed to me at least 3 times, then someone added a light saber special effect, and people took *that* footage and further built on it, inserting the footage into other scenes. The Pickle also has some of those, including the first remix and my personal favorites, the Very Special Star Wars Kid, in which SWK fights his clone; Drunken Jedi Master, to which someone added incoming laser bolts; and The Star Wars Kid Reloaded, the Matrix version. There are now something like 106 SWK remixes, but the site only has about 20 of them.

Get an SWK t-shirt here.

If you love bloopers and Star Wars, check out The Star Wars Blooper Guide.

Generate random titles for Episode 3 here. The same site will also provide you with Jedi training platitudes, for that little daily dose of Yoda in your life.

You can find a Princess Leia version of "Run, Lola, Run" and a tribute to the severed limbs of Star Wars here.

The is the place for all things Star Wars, for any of you who are merely curious and not rabidly obsessive.

The last of the video finds is not Star Wars related. I should have put it at the beginning, but I didn't want to start on a less than positive note. I can only hope your reaction is the same as mine; I watched this with my mouth hanging open, literally dumbfounded at such an example of my tax dollars in action. I hope more than I can say that this is not the frigging norm.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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