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Wednesday, Jun. 29, 2005 - 10:27 p.m.

Yay, my old template; how I've missed you! :)

Damn that k1ttykat. She got me totally hooked on Veronica Mars. Even though I thought it couldn't happen; today's episode had a great ending, and I liked the subplot with Mac. So there it is. Your work here is done, k1ttykat. Get thee behind me. And pony up the 411, so I know what the heck is going on.

Macabre, anyone? TB just came and got me to show me "a selection of rodent body parts" on the bathroom floor...seems the cat does not like the head or tail end, because that's what she left lying there...with the head right where the head would be, and the tail and the lower half of the each back leg right where they would be, and nothing in the middle except for some blood smears and a clot of something. Seriously, it's like she's a serial killer and left a little mouse murder crime scene vignette all set up for the cops to find. Like 7 for cats. It was all right where they'd be if the mouse was just hangin' out there on the bathroom floor, napping. Or um, not, since its eyes were open. There were two little back legs (the shins and feet), a tail, and the head. Which is how we could tell it was rodent and not reptile, coz the feet were so small, and with just the tail, it really looked lizard-sized and lizard-like. If not for the head, the corpse could not have been identified (at least, not without a whole team of forensics experts and DNA testing), but there it was, with tiny brown furry pointed snout and big brown eyes. But not the mouse's entire head; just the part from right behind the eyes to the tip of the nose. I guess she likes the ears.

(And no, I most certainly did not look inside the half of the head that was left to see what was in there; what do you people want from me? ::shudder::)

I made a rather sweeping generalization earlier in k1ttykat's notes, so if you've come here to tear me up, I can't say I blame you, and would like to stress that I do not dislike men. I dislike idiots and assholes. There's a difference, and I know that. But you guys also have to realize that as a woman in today's world, I catch a lot of shit you don't ever have to consider being on the receiving end of, merely by virtue of your stupid penis. So yes, I can get fairly bitter/jaded/cynical about those of you who catcall, wolf whistle, and just in general make complete asses out of yourselves while trying to reduce me to something less than what I am. I know probably most men do not do this, but a helluva lot do, and it's the ones who do that stick out. Sorry. But the rest of you are gonna catch flack for them until society as a whole refuses to excuse or accept that behaviour. Do not blame me for calling it.

I do not normally watch Anderson Cooper 360, but he had a Scient0logy spokesman on tonight, so what with the Cruise monster's diatribe against psychiatry, I thought I'd see what an actual Scient0logist spokesperson had to say, and the guy was even worse than Cruise, ignorant, hysterical, and ill-informed (I hate to say a LIAR) on just about every single claim he made. If you'd like to know what Scient0logy thinks of psychiatry, they have an actual branch dedicated to combatting the charlatans and chicanery of that particular branch of science, which is especially unsurprising when you realize that psychiatry is the prime challenger to the science fiction psychobabble of Scient0logy . Anderson's guest was the "US National President" of the anti-psychiatry arm of Scient0logy, which makes some of the most ridiculous claims against the mental health profession that I have ever heard, among them, that psychiatrists: are racists who "[target] minority children", consider children "experimental animals", commit fraud on a daily basis (by billing for dead patients, billing insurance companies for sex with patients, and charging for pregnancy tests on young girls, among other things), were responsible for the Holocaust (Nazi psychiatrists pulled that off), and routinely carry out brain surgeries on people without their permission, using neat stuff like ice picks to scrape out their brains. Seriously, once I get past the involuntary eye roll that someone could actually be that frigging gullible, I have to laugh at how exaggeratedly moronic and alarmist their claims are. Yes, there have been abuses committed in the field of psychiatry; there are abuses everywhere, and every single field in the world can be made to look bad if you pick up every rumor and urban myth you can find and combine them with the dark ages of a new science and assholes who abuse their power. Physics brought us the nuclear, atom, and H-bombs. Shall we then proclaim it "pseudoscience"? Yeah, that makes sense.

Unless it claims ElRon is God (which it says it does not), Scient0logy is not a "religion" any more than everything that lays eggs is a bird. I find it offensive it labels itself a "church" or "religion" and is entitled to non-profit tax-exempt status. At the time of his death, ElRon was living abroad, had been in hiding for 5 years, and was wanted for tax fraud. He sought church-standing for Scient0logy as a business decision to avoid paying taxes, saying it solved "a problem of practical business", and in an official 1962 inter-company memo regarding policy, he wrote, "Scient0logy 1970 is being planned on a religious organization basis throughout the world. This will not upset in any way the usual activities of any organization. It is entirely a matter for accountants and solicitors." His own son, ElRon Jr., described him as "only interested in money, sex, booze, and drugs", and to all those belonging to Scient0logy, this great benefactor of mankind held that anyone outside or attempting to leave and/or discredit the organization was "Fair Game", which he defined in company memos and manuals as: "May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scient0logist without any discipline of the Scient0logist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."

Great guy to hold up as your spiritual leader. WWJD?

Peace out,

ps. TIME magazine published an in-depth article on Scient0logy in 1991, and Wikipedia has all kinds of information on it and ElRon. There's also a scathingly brilliant and amusing biography of him here, and by all means, check out the official Scient0logy website. Have fun.

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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