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Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005 - 9:51 p.m.

Hola. :)

I am proud to say I did not get lost in the maze that is my company's offices even once today...though I did have difficulty locating the kitchen, and would not have been able to do so had one of the editors not shown me. But in my defense, it's located in a back corner, down a shadowy hall. That's the post (short for post production) kitchen. The production kitchen is all huge and sunny, with saltillo floors and all kinds of cool stuff. I know where the production kitchen is, which is a good thing, because that's where all the good snacks are. That's how tv goes, btw. The production people get all the good food (aka craft service) and individual bottled water and stuff like that. Post production gets the junk food and 5 gallon Arrowhead community water jug. BUT, I still have access to all the good stuff, and even the post kitchen has good stuff, it just tends to run out sooner, coz it's smaller, and no one thinks to refill it until whenever, so you have to go further, to the production kitchen. It's not a hardship; I just thought I'd clue you people who don't work in the entertainment field in to how it works. Coz I'm coo' like dat, yo.

Please excuse me a moment while I recover from that last sentence. Even I feel it was going too far...

I forgot to say yesterday in my mapping out of the posters serving as the bread crumbs by which I find my office that if you hit the Pootie Tang poster, you went too far (in more ways than one, Louis C.K.). I include this merely because there's a certain kind of...what's the word...not irony, but sort of like irony in there being a Pootie Tang poster hanging in the hallways of a building which would like to be thought of as a place where quality is produced. I'm just sayin'. Most of the other posters are for things that were at least successful movies if not films of quality. The Scorpion King wasn't Lear, but it made money and was pretty fun. The actors probably aren't embarassed to put it on their resumes. Even Chris Rock ripped on himself for Pootie Tang. I'm just sayin'. Plus, the Gods & Generals poster almost balances out Pootie Tang and Troy. Almost. The posters for both Starsky & Hutch and Scooby Doo 2 probably pretty much throw the whole balance into a tailspin, however. There probably aren't enough good movies in the world to make up for the lack of intelligence or taste that went into either of those 2 movies. But maybe that's just me.

Today's lunch, btw? Spinish & arugula salad with goat cheese, sundried tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette. Oh yeah, I said it, you wish you were me. HA!


On the way home every evening, I have the Hollywood sign in front of me and the Capital Records Building to my left. The little girl in me who was going to grow up and be a movie star when those two things actually meant something and were legitimate icons gets thinks that's kinda cool. The older me kinda wants to smack her, but there you are. I am a walking cliche. I used to work at Canter's Deli, too, and I actually thought it was cool to be working in a place that was part of Hollywood history, even if it was greasy and there was no way in hell I'd ever eat anything there but the sandwiches or chicken soup. I met Steve Landesburg there, and he is a class act. I dropped his food one day (I mean, I ran his food to the table, not that I dropped it on the floor) and was like ohmigosh, you're Steve Landesburg! He affirmed. I told him when I was a kid I hearted Barney Miller and that he was my favorite character, which made him very happy. He asked my name, and from then on, every time he came in, he was all, "Hi, Katie!" with a smile. I loved him. :) Leonardo DiCaprio, otoh...not so much. But then, nobody in the place likes him. He comes in with a bunch of people on Sat. or Sun. morning and always sits in the same booth. If there are people already sitting and eating there, he makes them move. He runs the waiter to death, is rude and arrogant, and never leaves a tip. The entire wait staff warned me about him my very first day, and no one there can stand to serve him. Just so you know. Oh; and creepy, stalkery Fred Stoller asked me out there...after he was rude to and made fun of me. Go figure.

Very cool actors I have waited on include Billy Crystal (I made him laugh! :D), Kathleen Quinlan (right after she was nominated for Apollo 13), Will Smith (totally awesome, genuine guy) & Jada Pinkett Smith (less cool; very don't-talk-to-me), Anne Lockhart (totally great), and her mom June Lockhart, who is my favorite table waiting story EVER. I've waited on other actors, singers, and athletes, but those were the nice ones. The only other one that stands out is Elizabeth Pena, who was a C-word with a Capital C. Handsdown and seriously the single biggest bitch I have ever had the misfortune to have had to serve. And really ugly. I'm not kidding. I rarely see people who I think have ugly faces, but that woman fell thru the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way down. In fact, she fell so hard, her face got caught in the ugly roots. Though I might just think that because she was such a horrendous excuse for a person.

But anyway, this is not an entry about actors I have served. Sorry. Train of thought, people; train of thought.

Job got a little harder today; I got a project that's a bit of a behemoth. But I still like my job. :) It would be nice to have my pay officially noted, though. I know what my friend told me it would be, but no one has officially met with me and gone okay Katie, here's what you'll be making, and by the way, how do benefits sound? :( I do not like question marks, so I wish someone would. Meet with me, I mean, not like question marks. I'm sure plenty of people do like question marks. It's a perfectly respectable mark of punctuation.

Many, many thanks to Auntie Em for the Grapple. I heart you like there's no tomorrow. :) I heart Grapple. Now if only the computers were networked, life would be grand... And oo! I also got a new, speedier computer today! Though I was plagued by Word problems. I did a lot of cutting and pasting, and every time I did, stupid Word changed the font and made it bold, no matter how it had originated or how many times I set the default to what I wanted it to be. Macs and Word do not go together.

And um, I think that's all I got. There should be more, but frankly, I'm freezing my ass off and just want to go get ready for bed. So I'm going to go do that now.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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