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Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004 - 11:29 a.m.

Let us consider for a moment as we head into Bush-Kerry Debate #3, the hypocrisy in Bush & Co. whining incessantly the last 4 days that Kerry and Edwards are "opportunistically" using Christopher Reeve's death Sunday.

A) Kerry had a personal relationship with Reeve, who was an outspoken proponent of stem cell research, and was already talking about him in speeches regarding stem cell research prior to his death.

B) Bush, who once said he would not use the events of September 11 for political gain, has not once in the last year failed to work references to September 11 and terrorists into every single speech and appearance he's made. I'm not sure he can actually complete an interview without mentioning it at least 5 times. If you ask him about the frigging state of education in this country, he manages to cite September 11 as having some impact on whether or not "our kids is learning." His campaign even ran controversial ads regarding September 11 in 17 swing states this spring, resulting in public outcry in those areas and in New York, where the ads weren't shown. Particularly angry was the International Association of Firefighters, which passed a resolution calling on the Shrub to pull the ads. Firefighters are especially angry with Bush for what they feel is an exploitation of September 11 when he has repeatedly underfunded fire departments across the country. As well, during the Pubbies' convention, September 11 was cited no fewer than 25 times, 4 times specifically by Bush in his acceptance speech. He mentioned terror or terrorists in that same speech 8 times, while George Pataki, Rudy Giuliani, Dick Cheney, John McCain, and Laura Bush mentioned it a minimum of 40 times combined. Bush and those 5 also talked about weapons of mass destruction and Sadaam Hussein, mentioning them collectively at least 28 times, but somehow managed to avoid the name Osama bin Laden. Gee; could that be because they haven't caught him yet, or is it just that it's not yet politically expedient to? Hmm.

But yeah. Kerry and Edwards bringing up Christopher Reeve when they talk about stem cell research? That's opportunistic.

Peace out,

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