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Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004 - 9:55 p.m.


Gawd, the president is a moron.

Hey, George: "he can run, but he can't hide," was trite long before you used it the first time to describe Senator Kerry. It also tends to make no sense in the context in which you use it most of the time, but that's to be expected; you are most definitely not a wordsmith. (Internets???) But now, George, you've just overused the living hell out of it. It's gone beyond trite, well into the realm of shutthefuckupalreadydumbass. Do you EVER come up with anything spontaneous to say? I mean, anyone who paid attention to the first debate knows you read from prepared statements, and even those who weren't paying attention noticed you repeated the same 5 statements over and over and over again. Please, George, for the love of Mike, come up with something original to say in the next debate. And somehow manage to restrain yourself from smirking after each little pearl while openly patting yourself on the back and posturing to the crowd like a professional "wrestler." Try not to wink at the audience members. And when you do finally come up with some new "catch phrase", seriously, use moderation. You only need to say it once, George. If people are paying attention, they'll hear it. If they like it, THEY will spread it around town...and across all those internets. You're like one of those dumbasses who tells bad jokes and then snorts and snickers about them for the rest of the night, repeating the "punchline" ad nauseum for the rest of the week, as evidence of wit and style. Only you have none, George. Wit or style. So just stick to your version of the "facts" and please stop trying to sound witty. It's painfully embarrassing.

Oh. And watch the blinking, George. I'm not even going to ask what was up with the major cocaine-style way you constantly worked your jaw that second debate, but that freakish blinking thing is distracting and makes you look even more dimwitted than usual. Just so you know.

And the rest of you conspiracy people sending email after email and hounding message boards with how Idiotboy was wearing an earpiece during the first debate? Good lord. Do you honestly think he would have performed that badly if someone had been telling him what to say? Although, I suppose there's the very real and probable possibility it could have happened, and that he's incapable of multi-tasking in that way, which would explain why so many of his answers were terrible. But as he clearly read from time to time from written statements on his podium, why risk being found out electronically? I sincerely hope someone being fed answers would perform a helluva lot better than the Shrub did during debate 1, so come on. Get real. If you must theorize and speculate, at least do it reasonably logically.


Peace out,

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"And it's hard work. I understand how hard it is; I get the casualty reports every
day. I see on the tv screens how hard it is."
-- GW Bush, 9/29/04, in Miami, assuring voters he understands the severity of conditions in Iraq

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