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Thursday, Feb. 24, 2005 - 1:10 a.m.

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow, by Jonny-C's stylist. I hope she's good, because I do not handle haircuts well. Seriously, I know 6 year olds who are better at it. Then again, 6 year olds tend to not care that much what their hair looks like, as long as it doesn't have chunks missing out of it or look funny. I, on the other hand, am not huge on trust, so this haircutting thing fills me with a certain amount of dread.

The reason I'm going to someone new is because after 2 years of the ex-supermodel cutting my hair, I still can't seem to make her understand that I am anti-shag. I do not like shaggy ends. They frizz and look awful, no matter what I do. And yet, she continually gives me shaggy, frizzy ends. The styles are by and large cute - only one sucked, and that was my fault for showing her a picture and saying "I want this" without asking if it would actually be flattering (it wasn't) - but they're shaggy. And frizzy. And I can't stands no more. So while the price is right, and she's super nice and sees me any time I call, right that very minute, it's time to move on. I'd love to go back to my old guy, Todd the Hair God, but as he charges $55 a pop, it was costing me $70 every time I got a cut, and frankly, I can not afford that kind of stylage. So I am going to a new, $35 person and praying she cuts like a $55. Wish me luck.

By the way, is there anyone out there who doesn't know that Ossie Davis died about 3 weeks ago? I've been meaning to write something about it, but I really couldn't find the words. Ossie Davis lived life with dignity, strength, and courage. More than actors, he and his wife of 56 years, Ruby Dee, were also activists and great human beings, counting among their friends Martin Luther King, Jr., Maya Angelou, Jackie Robinson, Malcolm X, and Alan name just a few you might recognize. They were vocal opponents of McCarthyism, sued in federal court for voting rights for black Americans, helped to lead the 1963 March on Washington, gave of themselves to both sickle cell disease research and the American Negro College Fund, and Mr. Davis delivered the eulogies for both MLK, Jr., and Malcolm X. I have always admired the poise with which Ossie Davis carried himself, his intelligence, and his ability to succinctly out-debate just about anyone I ever saw him disagree with in a public forum. When Ossie Davis spoke, you shut up and listened. And I would not like to be on the receiving end of any scolding the man ever meted out. His wife is no shrinking violet, either. He was the kind of calm, authoritative, gracious human being I wish I could be. The day he died, I heard someone on CNN call him "a great man and a credit to his race." He was not.

He was a credit to us all.

On my way to an appointment today, I was listening to KPFK, and Thomas Frank was on, talking about "liberal elitism" and how the neocons have so effectively played that card in the last 30 years - increasingly well, in fact - and why Middle America continues to buy into it, even though it's to their detriment. It was really illuminating and went a long way to explaining to me why so many Americans are willing to shoot themselves in the foot and re-elect a guy like George W. Bush; why they think he's a great guy and one of them, while perceiving John Kerry as a bad man. As well as why they seem to think people like me are the enemy. It was also fairly depressing, because when people are willing to buy hook, line and sinker into the neocons' propaganda because it fits their needs or black and white view of the world or for the variety of other perfectly understandable reasons they do so, I tend to think there's not much hope for the future in this country. But at least I understand better why 31% of America went to the polls and actually voted for the anti-christ.

And yes, I really believe George W. Bush is the anti-christ, if Revelations was anything more than a bad dream and such a thing as the anti-christ actually exists. And if you wanna paint Condoleezza Rice as the Whore of Babylon...well, I'm fine with that, too.

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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