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Friday, Nov. 18, 2005 - 8:06 p.m.

I've been meaning to post comments regarding John Murtha's comments and since the Republicans are pulling this stunt tonight, I'm gonna do it now.

I respectfully disagree with Rep. Murtha. I think he's well-meaning and believes our troops are being abused in this occupation, and I agree. But I think it naive to believe we can pull out before we have established stability and a viable infrastructure in Iraq. What I want is for this administration to actually establish stability and viable infrastructure, and frankly, I don't see that happening. Nor do I think it ever will. Because this administration and most Republican members of Congress have not and will not made those things a priority. If they were going to make it a priority, they'd have started the process by now. Congree would demand progress reports and execute the oversight for which they are responsible and have consistently failed to carry out. They would demand proper accounting procedures and make sure our money was being spent wisely. The Pentagon and administration would actually send Iraqis to boot camp and police training and count in their figures those men who have competed training, not everyone who's had even a single hour of class. It is pathetic that 2 years after we invaded Iraq, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis have completed security force training and are capable of doing their actual jobs. It is pathetic that 2 years after we invaded Iraq, most people still do not have electricity, running water, or a functioning sewage system.

And if I hear one more Republican use the word "irresponsible" any time in the next month, I'm going to beat the crap out of somebody. It is painfully obvious someone at the White House passes out a memo with the pejorative of the day every time someone speaks out against them, because suddenly everyone in the Republican party starts using a derogatory or dismissive word or phrase at the same time and repeats it ad nauseum into eternity, as many times as possible every time they speak.

Let's talk about irresponsibility, shall we?

It is irresponsible to lie about, misrepresent or exaggerate information you know to be false, inaccurate, or undependable as a justification for invading another country.

It is irresponsible to invade a country with no viable plan for success.

It is irresponsible to act unilaterally to invade another country, especially when your actions directly and negatively affect every single one of your allies.

It is irresponsible to act rashly and before other means have had the chance to run their course.

It is irresponsible to secure oil depots before you secure weapons bunkers.

It is irresponsible to send your troops to invade and occupy another country without adequate armor and weaponry or enough forces to do the job.

It is irresponsible to allow the history and resources of a country you have invaded to be plundered merely because you personally feel those resources have no value.

It is irresponsible to keep shoddy records of how you are spending occupation dollars...assuming you keep any at all. It is really frigging irresponsible to keep no records at all.

It is irresponsible to "lose" millions or billions of dollars because you did not bother to keep records. Google Paul Bremer.

It is irresponsible to waste tax-payer dollars by awarding no-bid contracts to your pals.

It is irresponsible - at best - to publically expose an undercover CIA operative. It is reprehensible to do so merely because you disagree with her husband's politics.

It is irresponsible to actively participate in cover-up.

It is irresponsible to surround yourself with yes-men on whom you are depending for informed advice.

It is irresponsible to wall yourself off from other options, other solutions, other ideas, merely because you disagree or don't know about them to begin with.

It is irresponsible not to at least make the attempt to learn from your mistakes. For that matter, it's irresponsible not to admit you make any.

It is irresponsible to increase spending even as you are cutting your income.

It is irresponsible to force your debt onto others and make them pick up your slack.

It is irresponsible to doggedly stay a course you know not to be working without examining what isn't working and why, and adjusting accordingly.

It is irresponsible to appoint inexperienced people to vital government positions responsible for the well-being of Americans and this country.

It is irresponsible to dismiss oversight and accountability as unimportant, especially when it affects the Constitutional rights of American citizens.

And those are just the examples I can think of right off the top of my head.

Peace out,

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