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Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004 - 8:39 p.m.

There are many, many things I would rather not spend the better part of an hour doing. One of these is cleaning up bird blood. I know this because having spent an hour doing so, I can unequivocally state that it's a gross experience. Especially when there are copious amounts of splatter. (And no, that's not a typo.) However, my printer, the bathroom door and entry floor, and the nearby stool, are now squeaky clean and blood-free.

Cats are cool, aren't they?

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was enjoyable. :)

I really think Luke should cut Lorelei some slack; her heart was in the right place. Of course, there *are* 10 minutes left, 5 whole minutes after commercials, so he could still do the forgiving and admit that *maybe* he overreacted a tiny bit. And kudos to Jane Espenson for working in that line about Spike and Drusilla. :)

And commercials are back in a bit.

Excellent sting by Rory and her grampa. I do so enjoy my GG episodes. :)

I'm experimenting with herbal drier bags, which I realize isn't all that scintillating (or scentillating, if you'll pardon the pun!) to anyone but me, but it's been kinda a slow period, so sue me. :) "But Katie," I hear you asking, "what the heck's a drier bag?" Well, it's a little bag you toss into your drier in lieu of a Bounce sheet, so that instead of smelling like Bounce, a smell which exists nowhere in actual nature, they smell like natural things. Unfortunately, no one has an oil that actually smells like sunshine and the great outdoors, but they do make a variety of other natural scents, many of which I think lend themselves nicely to the clothing experience. Right now I'm testing a lavender-chamomile blend. I think the bags need more essential oil, though. The first towel I took out smelled really good, but the others all just smell like dry towel, which, frankly, is pretty much a letdown after the happy, natural lavender experience. I'm actually not that huge a fan of lavender, but it was readily available when I went shopping tonight, so it'll do for the experimental phase of the whole drier bag experiment thing, I think.

Man. Are you snoozin' yet?

On the jewelry front, I was thinking that some people who could *really* use the proceeds from a bracelet are the orphans of the tiny south African country of Lesotho. I saw a documentary on the poor little tykes a few weeks ago, and it was kinda heartrending. 92,000 kids have been orphaned by AIDS there. Unofficial estimates are at 100,000, which is a full 5% or more of the population. Lesotho is one of the world's least-developed countries, where over 50% of the population live beneath the poverty line, so the populace is pretty uneducated overall and especially when it comes to disease and how it's spread. A lot of males there believe that if they have sex with a virgin, they will either cure themselves of AIDS or will be mumbo-jumbily magically protected from it forever, so they actually rape tiny children and babies to be sure the person they fuckover in the worst way they can is actually a virgin. Peace Corps will let you choose what project you want your donation to go to, so definitely I'm doing that. And since Bush, in all his assholeness, has never ponied up all the AIDS money he promised to send to Africa in his post September 11 State of the Nation address, someone really should make an effort to pick up the slack, and I am just the girl to do it. This is a situation that merits some education and attention, if for no other reason than 100,000 orphaned kids is really just not something I think people should be prepared to accept and live with. Not to climb up on a soapbox or anything, but dude. That's some serious smack. I just really want to do something.

I also just mailed out my first newsletter, and I have to say that there are a lot of things to keep track of in a newsletter, and that if you are going to offer a 10% discount on items, you really should remember to include the discount code for people to use so that they can actually get the discount when they shop on your site.

I'm just sayin'.

You should also probably remember to make the pictures links to the proper pages...

Apropos of nothing, she segues into this: I get this thing called Daily Candy (don't ask), and I am constantly amazed by the wacky little "stories" it delivers to my mailbox nearly daily. Today it was $1000 jeans. Personally, I think if you have so much frigging money you can afford and are willing to spend $1000 on jeans, you should give some serious thought to how you actually spend your money and might want to actually do some good with it or like, invest it, but that's probably just me. I'm really a pretty firm believer in philanthropy, saving, and that there's actually such a thing as too damn much. I realize that an awful lot of other people don't agree with me.

I would also like to state that Chicago, NY, and San Francisco get way better Daily Candy than does LA, and that I really wouldn't want a chocolate pedicure. And that's all I have to say on that subject.

However, if you are in the habit of abusing your mac, be of good cheer: you can now buy special drops to restore its pretty shine.

No, I'm not kidding. I kinda wish I were, but I'm not. They're called iDrops. Actually, if they ever make drops that can replace the worn away letters on your keyboard - like, oh, say, the E, I'll be all over that. But needing to shine my entire computer? Not so much.

Anyway, that's it for me today. I have to go make my mommy's hamburger soup for dinner now, because it's cold in LA today, and because it's 10:23 already (yikes), and now that I think about it, it probably takes too damn long for hamburger soup, so we should probably have goat cheese pizza instead. Damn it. It's a hamburger soup day. And before you mock, you should try my mom's recipe, because that is good stuff, Maynard. Damn good stuff.

Peace out,

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