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Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004 - 3:03 p.m.

Here's something new...I am writing an entry while I log a tape. I can do that because this particular tape is mindnumbingly boring. Which is not so much different from other tapes, really, but this one is all about the flowers, which makes it particularly boring. ...Which gives me plenty of time to pester you people. I will even be a dream and take the caps lock off, since we log in all caps. Right now my log reads - and I quote - VARIOUS SHOTS - FLOWERS. Are you excited, or what? I'm tellin' you guys, this is scintillating stuff. The loggers among you feel my pain. You know who you are, so there's no need to name names, just in case you've given any of your friends the url to this blog. I know how to protect you from your sordid past, even if you don't.

In an effort to amuse myself the other day, I put a little blurb in the first clip everyone sees when they open the logging program. It said "your message here." Today, someone had written "HI, MOM!" I replaced that with "elvis has left the building." It used to say "we love katie," but someone kept erasing that. (I did not write that; someone else in Story did.) Since the �we love katie� blurb keeps getting erased, clearly, someone does *not* love me. I think it's Assboy, who flipped out because that log also quotes Lewis Carroll's �Through the Looking Glass�: "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the waves." (Which should be wabe, not waves�my bad.) This apparently flipped Assboy out, because when our supe was out sick one day, he turns to me as soon as I walk in, and in very irritated fashion, goes 'why does your log quote the Jabberwocky?'

Me, I'm all unawake and stuff, so my witty response is "what?"

Is that the Jabberwocky in your log?


Did you write 'Twas brillig, and the slithy your log?


More irritation: Why did you do that?

"I don't know." (I shrug.) " For the hell of it; I was bored."

The irritation amps up. That�s from the Jabberwocky, right?


By Lewis Carroll?


Why did you do that?

"Um, I don't know. Just goofing around."

I really didn't get what the big deal was, as all of us who have been here a while - and a few who haven't - tend to put goofy stuff in our logs from time to time. It amuses Story and keeps us sane. A certain logger who shall remain nameless once did a sort of inner dialog log that got passed around just about the entire company this summer, it was such a scathingly funny indictment of utterly vapid personalities, and included such gems as "Sparkly is pretty," and "My hair hurts." You can get away with that sort of thing when what you're logging is b-roll. The only real difference with mine is that this particular log turns out to be the first clip in the file, so you see it every time you open the program. Aside from that, there's not much outstanding about it. But Assboy was entirely up in arms over the deal. And then an hour later, he went off on me, because I said that �abhorred� is not an adjective. Yes it is, he said. �No, it�s not, I said, it�s a transitive verb, requiring a direct object. You can not use it as an adjective to describe a state you are in because you don�t like something, as in �I was abhorred by her bad habit.� You can say �I abhorred her habit,� but you can not be abhorred by it.�

Are you an English major?

Again with the witty: �What?�

Are you an English major?


Okay. He then turns around to his desk like he�s just made some enormously satisfying point�.and then later in the day, I find out he didn�t even know the Jabberwocky quote in my log, our supervisor told him what it was when he was vexed by it a few days before and complained about my having written what he thought was a bunch of gibberish.

Pff. I can just imagine; my Seussian logs would send him over the edge.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
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