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Friday, Apr. 01, 2005 - 9:11 p.m.

For the purposes of understanding the following, you must know that I have a fondness for IM'g my friends the lyric currently playing to whatever song I am listening to in the IM moment, and that 3 weeks ago, I developed an unhealthy fondness for one of the worst songs ever written, Vanilla Ice's hideously lifted riff and rap hommage, "Ice, Ice Baby," a song that, when it was in release, I hated so rabidly, god help anyone who got between me and the radio dial when it came on. Now, however, the line "Word to yo muthah" fills me with fiendish glee and never, ever gets old. I listen to it every single day at work, right around the same time every day. And now, today's IM. (my friend is italics, I am the regular font)

vanilla ice ice baby
now that the party is jumpin'
Word to your mutha
LOL; I neeeeeed that song

i'm on a roll; it's time to go solo
i grabbed my nine; all i heard wuz shells
I cannot tell you how funny this is
if there's a problem, yo, i'll solve it; check out the hook while my dj revolves it
every day round the same time you IMing me with this stuff... heh heh
lol; sorry!
take heed coz i'm a lyrical poet
miami's on the scene just in case you didn't know it
ice ice baby. vanilla ice ice baby
wait... wait for it...
oh dude
yo man, let's get outta heah. word to yo mutha.
ice ice baby to goooooo. to gooooooooo....
ok. i'm done.
I had to duck.
goooooo.... just in case any glass shattered around me
rofl! it's almost unfair he catches that much karmic fodder over that song. do you think he would have recorded it if he'd had any idea the amount of comedic joy he would bring to people like me in the future?
probably not. he is a very angry man.
I would be, too. but maybe he was different back then. I think he is angry over the whole V-Ice thing.

it's his own fault for cultivating that whole "vanilla ice from the mean streets of miami" thing...playing with voltron on the mean carpet of his livingroom, maybe; miami streets? hardly.
you're making that up, right?
i couldn't begin to conjure that kind of humour up on my own. someone from his high school in richardson (dallas burb) ratted him out and one of the dallas papers ran the photo.
oh man oh man that is truly a beautiful thing. hee
i can see the picture in my head. i wish i'd clipped it and kept it, because
just goes to show: don't pretend to be something you are not, or you are asking for trouble. and ridicule.
lots and lots of ridicule!
oh yeah
word to your mother
but we should cut a lyrical poet a break. he brings me such joy now. i swear if i could have a ringtone on my phone, it would be ice ice baby.
heh heh
you know, if *anyone* had told me back in the 80's that i would one day just *love* that song for it's very badness... and yet.
i so seriously would not have believed that was at all possible, i hated it so much.
I want the song dammit!
i will get it to you this weekend.
hey, um, i am worried that i actually like a liz phair song
way LOL
it's worrisome.
uh, yeah.
but you are soooo not turning into her on any level.

lol; good to know!
i should leave my sharpie drawings of bruce and frankie here, right next to the "union" post-it in the center of my monitor
you should
i kinda wanna take 'em with me, but then i don't want the reminder either. but i kinda do, so i don't take this kinda shit off of anybody ever again.
true true
i'm definitely leaving the "union" post it
heh heh
i feel a go-go's moment comin' on...
i must be losin' it, but my mind plays tricks on me.
it looks so easy, but you know looks sometimes deceive.
ok. i'm done.
wait. no i'm not
head over heels why should i go, can't stop myself, out of control
head over heels no time to think, looks like the whole world's out of sync.
ok. now i'm done.
aren't you glad i am sparing you from the jesse's girl lyrics?

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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