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Monday, Apr. 30, 2007 - 4:08 p.m.

Happy Monday, peeps. I hope you had a fun weekend. Or at least one that did not suck.

I was actually fairly busy my entire weekend, from Friday afternoon on 'til 11:00 last night. Which is kinda rare, thank goodness, because if I was that busy every weekend, I'd never get any sleep, ever, what with the weekend being my sleepy time. For some reason, though, I keep having these weekends where if I get 5 hours of sleep in a night, I'm doing excellently well.

I've actually been waiting to blog because I had a job interview on Thursday that went really well, and I don't want to jinx it. Two interviews, actually, because the company makes you interview with 2 different people (to make sure you're not some sort of loon who just squeaked past the first person's radar), and the first interviewer liked me so much, she went to ask the other manager in the place if she'd come talk to me too, so they could go ahead and proceed with the hiring process. So the other manager conducted my second interview there on the spot, which was actually kinda fun and marked my first ever interview with a pirate.

Yes, a pirate. I was interviewed by a pirate. Complete with eye patch and ruffly shirt and everything.

See, what happened was that the second manager, the pirate, was playing basketball sometime in the preceding days, and someone she was playing with jabbed their finger in her eye, which, of course, injured her eye. So her doctor told her she had to wear an eye patch until it healed. And she figured that if she had to wear an eye patch for a coupla weeks, she might as well make the best of it, so she decked herself out in pretty much full (modern) pirate regalia and came into work every day.

Now, in order for you to fully and adequately picture this, I have to tell you that the woman in question looks to be somewhere between 25 and maybe 30 years of age, tall, with beautiful long black hair she had up in quite possibly the coolest up-do ever, and that she was incredibly gorgeous, with perfect skin and a flawless make-up job that included blood red lips and the most perfectly-applied mascara and eye liner I think I've ever seen in my entire life. The one eye not covered by patch was also gorgeous. There was absolutely nothing about her which was not in your face strikingly beautiful, and on top of it, she was really cool and down to earth. Like, you could totally hang out with her. You'd want to BE her, but not in a jealous way, because she was so nice and cool, and if you were a guy, you'd solidly want to do her, but you could also check your libido at the door and kick back and have a beer and shoot pool with her, because you'd recognize that she was so cool, you really had to have respect for her...and also, she could probably break you in half if you got outta line, because here's a woman who knows what's what and doesn't pussy foot around. She also had a cool name, but I was so busy marvelling at the way she was rocking the pirate thing that it really didn't fully register, other than it started with an Sh and might have been something like Shawna.

So, in addition to the kickass up-do, which involved careless-yet-artfully untucked ends and some sort of decorative sticks holding it all in place, she was also wearing a ruffly purple shirt, a red bowtie which dangled rakishly untied from her collar, a red silk blazer wildly reminiscent of something that would normally have tails and lots of shiny brass buttons, a big red silk rose in the neighborhood of where a parrot might otherwise be perched, big black leather belt and shiny buckle, black skirt to just below the knee, the most kickass pair of knee-high black leather boots ever, and a gigantic black eye patch that covered her left eye and was fully a serious eye patch, not some lameass drugstore job. Her nails were also blood red and matched her lips. It seems there were many other details I should be recounting (I'm pretty sure jewelry was also involved), but frankly, the whole ensemble was so pirate awesome that it was hard to inventory. There was really a lot to take in. And it was also 4 days ago, so I really shoulda blogged it while it was fresh.

She sat down to do the interview and explained about her accident and that she figured since she works in the kid's department of the store, she might as well go all out and pirate it up right. And holy moly, had she done a really stupendous job of it, because I swear to you people, she totally looked like she should be named Bloody Jennie Bonney, or something equally piratey and renowned, and her whole attitude was one of swashbuckling geniality along the lines of "sure, we're friends now, but just try and cross me even a little, and I will cut you in half where you stand; parlez, my ass." It was like interviewing for a job on the Bounding Main, where you'd be standing on a rolling deck, the sea mist in your face and wind in your hair, cutlass at your side and a guy in every port. I'm tellin' you, it was the coolest job interview I've ever had in my life.

Once we finished chatting - luckily my lack of former pirating experience did not come up - she went to talk to the first person who talked to me, and then that woman came back and told me they both loved me, and if my references checked out, I was in. :) She called on Friday to let me know my references had indeed checked out (fabulous was the exact word), and that if I could fax over a resume that showed my retail (yes, retail...try to keep the horror to a minimum), she'd send that on to human resources and get everything squared away. So I am currently waiting to see whether or not whatever final hurdle I have to go through is cleared and I will finally have a job again...for a shockingly tiny amount of pay. But it does offer full benefits, and that's a huge reason to take it. I need some serious dental work done and have no way to pay for it. Plus, I have bills. So I need to work, and if the two women I interviewed with are mostly what I'll be working under, I'm really happy about it. They were both really cool, decent human beings.

I'll keep you posted.

As for the rest of my weekend, the most notable part of it was Jonny-C's birthday gathering, which was a lot of fun, at which and in random coincidence, we played - and I am not kidding - Pirate Mad Libs, which gave birth to the phrase "shiver me hamsters," which I am sorry, amuses me to such a degree I really have to incorporate it into my vernacular. I also got stuck in a very hot car for an hour or hour and a half with Em on Friday afternoon, when we stopped at the grocery store and the car wouldn't start when we got back out to it. Did I mention it was 97 degrees or more? Because we were sitting in a black car in the middle of black top parking lot. Yeah. It was hot. But her hubby came and rescued us, and then we had hot dogs (turkey dogs; much lower in calories) for dinner, and I haven't had hot dogs in AGES, so despite totally being against everything the weight loss manual stands for, it was totally good. :)

Peace out,

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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