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Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 - 3:03 a.m.

Hidey ho, neighbor... (how does one spell hidey/heidy, anyway?)

I have caught up on my reading of the J-Dawg, and it is cool. Although I sometimes wonder if anyone else hears the voice of David Letterman's staffer Stephanie when sometimes reading CuppaJoe, because she, like the J-Dawg, has a thing for monkeys. I'm just sayin'. At any rate, I got to laugh several times, including a few times out loud and loudly, and that's pretty cool. I have to ask myself why when I am stressed I think I am too tight on time to read my favorite D'landers, because they all make me feel much better. I don't think I should let that slide anymore, yo. And Joey might think he's cut back on the swank, but really, no. Oh sure, the word is rather absent, but the 'tude is still swankolicious. I love CuppaJoe, oh yes, I do. Monkeys and all.

Recommended Joey Reading:
Everybody LOVES Mondays, Right?
Just Bomb Them And Get It Over With!

And this one, because I think that the fact that it happened is really cool.

Hey: Mr. DJ
A "rock block" is not two songs. It is at least three. Two songs are a pair. A twofer. As in, Twofer Tuesday. You simply can not call a pair of songs a freaking block. Seriously. Please get real.

If Ever There Was a Useless Website...
This is it. Joey could have a field day with this...

Freedom Is Not a Fried Food
(You can all thank Joey for reminding me I meant to say something about this days ago)
I frankly can not believe members of Congress (yes, you, Mr. Representative from Ohio) have nothing better to do than to worry about crap like this. As for all the fast food businesses in the Capitol changing the names of their french fries, that is about the single most asinine, innane, immature fucking thing I have ever heard. It also cheapens the word "freedom," you losers. Let's review, shall we?

1 : the quality or state of being free: as
a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE
c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous

Or, if you prefer the simplicity of the version, you may voice it thus:

1. The condition of being free of restraints.
2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.
3. a. Political independence.
b. Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty
4. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition
5. The capacity to exercise choice; free will

From the Old English, pre-dating the 12th Century. For the idiots in the room, that means the word was in use BEFORE the year 1100.

Yeah. I'm sure over 900 years ago, the downtrodden peasants who fought for and coined the word meant for it to be frivolously and pettily applied to a freaking fried food.



Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade
all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back
here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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