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Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 - 10:37 p.m.


I'm really not in the best mood, but I will save the politics for the end, so those of you who might actually be Republican - or just not in the mood - can skip 'em. Isn't that nice of me? I did try very hard to keep the vitriol out of it, though. I mostly managed to do it, I think. YMMV, but I'm pretty sure I did a decent job.

LP Husband Theory
So, how 'bout Scott Peterson and the big blue tarp? Neighbors saw him loading a large bundle wrapped in a blue tarp into his pickup the morning of Dec. 24. He claims it was two patio umbrellas. This has not yet been substantiated. My question is why in hell would he need to take two patio umbrellas *anywhere* on Dec. 24? And fishing, to boot. And what is up with that random comment to reporters about how he cut his hand that day and got blood on the door of his truck, and that he cuts his hands at work all the time? Trying to get your excuse into the media ahead of time, Scott, you freak? No wonder your lawyer dropped you like a hot potato.

Well, THAT's Legitimate
While we're on the subject, I had the sad misfortune to watch Fox News, "On the Record," with Greta Van Susteren, a woman I had thought until yesterday was a serious reporter.

Uh, no.

The woman interviewed, in all seriousness and gravity, as if it were *actually* a source of *actual news*, one of the editors of - are you ready? - the National Enquirer.


The very same supermarket rag which routinely publishes such stories as "Elvis is My Pool Boy," "I Had a 3-Headed Baby," and "Aliens Have Replaced My Husband with a Robot."

Yeah. Those guys.

The National Enquirer guy was followed by a story editor from People magazine. I was absolutely amazed. I had a suspicion Fox was pretty schlocky news and could not be trusted, but I thought they were by and large regurgitating the AP news and interviewing people who dealt in, like, facts. I was sadly, sadly mistaken.

It's About Time
I am relieved to be able to tell you the fourth Mad Max movie is FINALLY set for release next year. The Buns from Downunder will once again don leather chaps to star in Mad Max: Fury Road. I know this excites you. Please keep the dirty thoughts to a minimum.

BTB, did you know Mad Max had a last name? He did. Betcha don't know it.

Also, in case you missed it, I wish to point out the good-natured sarcasm in this whole blurb; I am not a MM fan. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I am more of a romantic comedy kinda girl than a Road Warrior chick. Not that I don't enjoy a good action flick or watch scifi, because I like good fantasy/scifi. Which is not to say that I am a geek. Not that there's anything wrong with *that*.

Oh, hell. Bygones.

Excellent Quote(s) of the Day:
"This is the worst president ever. He is the worst president in all of American history." --Helen Thomas, veteran White House correspondent

She should know; she began reporting in 1943 and has been a White House correspondent during the terms of no fewer than 8 presidents, starting with JFK. It's nice to hear a reporter with the balls to say it.

Bygones for the balls thing, Hel.

Here's a fun site, for those of you who hate Idiotboy as much as I do - or who pretend to. And even those of you who don't. Lots of interesting quotes about the Shrub.

"life, n.: The whim of several billion cells to be you for a while." --goofyfish, net denizen

I've no idea who this goofyfish person is, but I liked the definition. Plus, it's non-political.

Just for fun, you should google "the worst president." The general consensus seems to be mostly between Clinton and the Shrub.

Adventures in Googling
Just for fun, I just googled "cheery backside." I thought my favorite was going to be Titanic Sounds & Quotes, but it turned out to be stuff from that horrible movie, so yick. My second choice, and ultimate fave, was, mainly for the line "Check out their BLACK SNOWBOARD OF DEATH for a cheery treat," and the fact that they have an avalanche discussion board. Sadly, that wasn't working.

I also like that Google asks "Did you mean: cherry backside," which is kinda scary. How many people are googling cherry backside? That does yield its own wonderful crop (no pun intended) of search results, whit:

The Cherry Station, which, among other things, informs us that "a cherry can kick a raisin's backside." Oo...I have cherries in the fridge...hold on a sec while I avail myself of their "marvelously complex exotic mixture of sweet and tart that brings you back to your childhood memories." The Cherry Station - besides it's horrible cherry puns - has a products page, y'all. Cherry Lee Lewis says check it out.

How 'bout some Cherry Whisky [sic] Smoked Baby Back Ribs...finger-lickin' good.

And the next time you need to call a turkey, might I suggest a red or black one of these?

Cherry backside turns up 12,800 results, including a lot of what I'm assuming is very bad fiction. Go. Search your own.

And Now For the Political Part of the Evening
Man, the news sucks, these days. Really, I've never in my life had to avoid listening to it so much just to avoid stress. There must be more people out there who object to what's happening than the administration and media would have us believe. Like Idiotboy's little speech the other night? Supposedly, his approval rate skyrocketed after it, and huge numbers of people who had been opposed to invading Iraq suddenly found it a reasonable proposition they supported...81% of people, actually.

That must have been a carefully selected group of people, because the SotU Address didn't change the mind of anyone I know, and Idiotboy didn't say anything his administration hasn't been saying for months. There was no proof, no compelling evidence, nothing we hadn't already heard. So I don't know what could have changed. I *do* know I've never heard a speech so full of 30 second sound bites in my entire life, bar none. It's also easy to make a bunch of promises you're never going to have to keep, because you're about to launch an invasion and occupation that will have no end. With all that money going into the war effort, you can't be expected to keep the promise of $15B to Africa, cut taxes, or improve medicare. You WILL, however, have to increase taxes to the middle class. Yay.

Here are a few links for the reality of life under Bush and his pals:

Tax Cuts Revealed

Bush has put off for over 18 months the nomination of 30 Circuit Court Judges, in order to take advantage of a Republican Senate. In doing so, he has created emergencies in many of those courts. Many of his nominees have huge holes in their judiciary records and have in the past demonstrated no small disregard for the provisions set by the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings. Miguel Estrada is one example. Estrada was confirmed to the federal appeals court yesterday by a 10 - 9 vote after he routinely refused to answer any questions regarding his specific legal views, and even though he has no experience in ruling, being actually a who represented Bush in his battle against Gore for the Presidency. For winning that case, he is now Idiotboy's prime pick for the next vacancy on the Supreme Court. This in spite of the fact that as a lawyer, he has on several occasions represented clients and argued in court in FAVOR of laws the Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional. And all of this in spite of Orrin Hatch's paper to the approval committee during the Clinton years that no nominee with a limited paper trail should be confirmed. I guess he meant no Democratic nominee, since he's the current committee chair and chose to ignore the lack of paper trail for Estrada. In fact, the only thing any Republican had to say to recommend the guy is that he got really great grades at Harvard. Oh. Yeah. That makes it okay. Ted Bundy got above average grades, too. Why don't we make him judge? (besides the fact that he's dead, I mean; work with me, people)

CARE: The Lieberman-Santorum "Improved" Version of Bush's Faith-Based ups the F-BI by removing all controls and restrictions on how and why money is spent. What's with Joe Lieberman, anyway? Seems I remember a mere 2 years ago or so, he ran for Vice President as a Democrat. Since the Shrub got into office, however, Joe seems to have decided his bread is buttered on the other side. The guy is definitely a Republican in Democrat's clothing.

And that's my political stew for the evening.

Peace out,

ps. Not much tart in the cherries, I'm afraid. Alas, only the sweet. Half a childhood denied. ::sigh::

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Michael J. Fox has no Elvis in him.

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In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
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