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Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 - 8:38 p.m.

I have some things to comment on, not the least which being the whole Alberto Gonzales thing, but it's been a crap day and the end of my relationship, so I'll let it go for now. (Except to say to Idiotboy, uh, hell-lo?? are you high? I do not want the guy who wrote the memo on how the US could circumvent the "quaint" Geneva Conventions as the chief agent responsible for carrying out the law in this country. I mean, call me crazy, but a government bent on circumventing the laws drafted to protect its citizens is like, NOT A GOOD THING. Even if a person 100% trusts the government not to abuse its power, which I think I have amply demonstrated here, I do not. If this is how you plan on going about uniting the country and "reaching out", George, you can totally stuff it. Did you not learn a single frigging thing from Abu Ghraib??? Jeez Loufrickingouise.)

Bygones, but even conservative readers must realize this is not a good choice for Attorney General, yes?

The thing I actually opened this up for tonight is the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. If you have the means and can spare $10, it seems to me a reasonable thing to do. And it's tax-deductible, for those of you benefitting majorly from the Bush tax cuts. With 8 - 10,000 wounded military (I don't know the percentages for how badly), it can't hurt to throw a little support that way. The fund gathers and disperses monies to the families of injured Marines, to help cover their expenses to be with their husbands/sons/etc. who are undergoing surgeries and therapy after a severe injury (read amputation and the like). But look it up or go read the site to get all the heartwarming and more detailed...well, details.

As for my relationship, there are only so many times you can let destructive comments hurled in a childish temper tantrum go by. I do not say purposely mean things to people when I'm angry, because as I've written here in the past, you can not always undo that damage, especially if you said the thing you knew would kill, and you did it specifically to hurt. When, after 4.5 years of such temper tantrums, the person I am supposed to be in a loving, supportive relationship with tells me (because I failed to doublecheck his fast food order for the second time in the last month) that I am a fucking loser and a fuck up who never takes responsiblity for my fuck ups and always blames them on others, and that he can not stand living with such a loser as I, well, that's pretty much a line you can not cross. So there you have it.

Sometimes it pretty much sucks to be me.

Peace out,

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