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Thursday, Jun. 17, 2004 - 5:57 p.m.

Diaryland Quote(s) of the Day:
"I don't talk to myself, I think outloud. It helps a lot."
--Californican, in his About Me entry.

I think outloud, too, and I'm tired of getting grief for it. I'm gonna use that line, and use it a lot. :)

Sex Scandals in Washington? The deuce, you say!
So, I have had some interesting reading today...

First there's this, regarding teenaged sex and how teenagers really should get in touch with the concept of intimacy, which I followed the link to from another link someone mailed me regarding the display of Rasputin's penis (hello, Googlers). I would rather not see Rasputin's member, and in point of fact, did indeed turn down an invitation to that very thing earlier in the week, however, this is what sometimes comes of blindly following links sent to one in email. If you really must view a dead man's pickled penis, just google the thing. I'm sure any number of sites will pop up. But I digress. I was reading about the young'uns' lack of intelligence when it comes to matters like taking images of yourself naked and doing naked things and then sending them to the 8th grade boy you like, who will as a matter of course promptly send them out all over the internet and email to every single boy he knows, because that is what boys do. They're stupid that way, and girls are stupid in the way that they think they can shoot images of themselves getting naked and masturbating (hello again, Googlers), and trust said boy to keep the image to himself, instead of using it for bragging rights. I mourn the ignorance of youth and those who never grow up, but whatever. The bottom line is that people are all dumb and do dumb things. Though some are a lot more dumb than others. But in the course of reading that article, I read a little blurb about Washingtonienne, the 24 year old Washington staffer who supplemented/s her $25K a year income by taking it up the butt from other residents of Capitol Hill and then writing about it in her weblog until her boss, Senator Mike DeWine (of OHIO, of all places...practice what you people preach, Ohio), discovered she was using his office computers for the purpose (how dumb do you have to be?) and fired her for it. Which of course Playboy loved and is offering her 6 figures if she'll only pose for them, and I'm sure she will. And all of this has just happened, which is a rare thing for me; I usually miss out on all this kind of stuff while it's actually happening and generally don't find out about it until it's like, yesterday. But this is actually new "news", so there you have it.

A google of Washingtonienne turns up quite a few results. Her weblog has apparently been deleted, but someone - presumably a fan - was able to post a cache'd copy of it to the web, and that's the link I posted above. Don't everyone burn out the bandwidth all at once; it's not *that* scintillating, though it does make for some pretty trashy one-liners and is fairly interesting if you wonder what kind of person supplements her income by turning tricks to the tune of $400 an hour. (Apparently a really arrogant and self-entitled one who considers an actual job in which one actually has to work for her salary to be beneath pun intended.) Also, apparently she's created such a buzz that people are now trying to decipher her weblog and figure out who the at least 6 men are she's doing. And the Washington Post recently ran a story about her in which they tagged on, apparently with her permission or urging, the notice that that the men she's been with might want to go get AIDS-tested. I sort of have to wonder about the true climate of a place that publically pronounces abstinence the only true birth control, yet the guy in charge of hiring all the Cap. Hill interns routinely has sex with those same interns, and apparently Ms. W's buttbudy is a long-married, Bush-appointed Chief of Staff. I hate Clinton, but I kinda have to wonder what all the friggin' fuss was about, at this point.

The Washingtonienne is the galpal of that other Capitol Hill weblog marvel, Wonkette. I kind of object to anyone who goes by the pseudonym of Wonkette, just because it not only sounds dorky, but a little bitchy and not so much actually cool, but I had to check out that site too, and it turns out she's actually not that bad; friendship with sluts and prostitutes notwithstanding...maybe I should say she's not that dumb. Her site then led me to an article for the Wall Street Journal that Peggy Noonan had written.

Now, understand, I've read other pieces by Peggy Noonan, but I try not to make a habit out of it because I think she's a terrible, self-congratulatory writer, and I have to say, her writing has not improved much since the last time, which was probably about 5 years ago, the last time I picked up a copy of the WSJ - as those in the know call it (please read that with sarcasm) - in a matter of desperation for reading material...probably while sitting in a doctor's office, since doctors, lawyers, and production companies are the only people so inanely pretentious in this 'burg as to actually stock their lobbies or waiting rooms with the Wall St. Journal. ::insert eye roll here:: At any rate, this particular piece by Peggy Noonan was about Reagan's funeral and what a great, great man he was and how great it is that we are now, old and young alike, able to appreciate and recognize just how great a man and president he was and how great it was to be there and how great she is for having gone and how great her speech was, etc. And not for the last time, I had to grit my teeth to get thru the acre after acre of maudlin, mewlingly purple, self-congratulatory and overwrought prose, mentally rolling my eyes all the while, and wondering: when Peggy Noonan writes an article, does she press the back of her hand to her ever-so-moist forehead and swoon backward against the wall, overcome by emotion at least half a dozen times? Because, it really sounds like she does.

And I wrote the WSJ and asked them that. I'll let you know what they say, if anything.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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