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Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 - 1:30 a.m.

I am starting a new tradition called Monday Madness. That's the Friday Finds on Monday, because frankly, Friday always laps me and catches me totally unprepared. It just does. I am way back on the first turn, and Friday has crossed what will be the finish line and is heading into it's next lap, right about the time I start to wake up and face the week. So yeah, I suck at the Friday Finds, but look at it this way: you have something new to do at your desk on Monday now, and Monday is almost always a slow day, anyway. So see? We all benefit by my tardiness and procrastination. It's a win-win. Or something.

(and anyway, i had a lot to get done this's not all about you, you know)


Starting us off today is my buddy lunaadored's new online store, Sea of Stars. She also has a totally cool new template on her diary, which is one of my oldest Dland faves. :) Her new site sells custom-made (to order) clothing and accessories. My favorite is the nature pillowcase, and I think the goddess necklace is adorable, too. :)

You guys know how I like my cheese, right? Dallas' Gourmet Concepts is a new cheese lover's paradise. They even have a membership thingy where you can have a basket of new, international cheeses delivered to your house every month, but frankly, I find $35/month a bit pricey for 3 smallish pieces of cheese and recipes to use them in. But they have cool functions and wine tours, so if you live in Big D, check 'em out. :)

Have a question regarding letter-writing etiquette or invitational points of order? Ask the etiquette expert at Ji Paperie. Ji Paperie is also a killer paper store in Torrance, where you can get everything you need to make killer invites, albums, all kinds of stuff (including waxes and seals), or order them from the store. It's all Old World Charm meets New World Pizzazz.

Hey, Alias-wannabes: Gadget Universe has cool useless toys like a color camera pen, a dish-style electronic listening device, and an ultra-slim 22-channel digital walkie talkie with voice activation. Moutaineer, this is Phoenix; do you copy?

It's not the prettiest bra I've ever seen, by a longshot, and for the way it looks, it's certainly pricey enough. But the concept of a bra that's not only comfortable but stays in place and doesn't leave lines? Heaven.

Has anybody out there tried SprinkeThin? If there's ever a product that can wean my ass off of sugar, I so want it.

Something about several of Jee's knit tops (specifically, summer floral, hammock halter, and jewel neck) just calls me. Alas, I have no money. Oh, well.

So, this week, I saw a man walking his cockatoo (and no, that's not a euphemism for something gross) and another man on a Harley who was wearing a large top hat. No tails, though. That would have made sense. I saw something else, too, but I have totally forgotten what it was, now.

Can I just say, btw, that I hate the asshole who lives somewhere along my street and always drives his ugly-ass boxy black Mercedez "SUV" right up the middle of the street and then either forces me all the way into the shrubbery before he will move the fuck over and go around me, glaring at me all the while like there is something dysfunctional about my driving, or who, when he has somehow been forced to actually move over onto his fucking side of the street, will honk his horn at me as I am nearing him already on my side of the street because call me fucking crazy, but I actually paid attention in driver's ed and like to obey the fucking traffic laws, and am not in any way a threat to him? Because I really, really do. Him and his dumbass greying ponytail and stupid frowny, stare-you-down face.

Bygones to all you Mr. Sensitive Pontytail Men out there.

I saw the movie Cursed this weekend, and it was a fun and enjoyable, though not, strictly speaking, actually scary movie. Christina Ricci was good in it, even though I normally don't care for her very much, and the big bad got appropriately skeazy near the end. I found it an enjoyable popcorn movie, and one which, for once, did not have idiotic victims running around in lingerie going "Bobby? Is that you?", which was refreshing.

I also saw The Girl In the Cafe, which is on HBO and was excellent. A very well-crafted, excellently-acted film. Bill Nighy Rocks. The. House. I wish it was a theatrical release, so he could get an Oscar for it, because damn it, that man was incredible. Kelly Macdonald, who plays his love interest, was also very good. It's a lot like Lost In Translation in how it's told, but I liked it a lot more than I did Lost. For one thing, it has more of a story and does not have any long clubbing sections with gunfire and bad karaoke. The characters are also slightly more likeable, not that I thought Bill & Scarlett's characters were unlikeable. There are just more intimate moments in this film than in Lost. But it's similar in flavor, and very, very good, and if you liked Lost, you will probably really like this, and even if you didn't, you might, because I really didn't think Lost was that incredible a movie, but I really loved this. Apparently, Richard Curtis wrote it specifically to make people more aware of world hunger/poverty/disease (and the role the G8 plays in fixing it). He also wrote Love Actually and a slew of other films, including the Bridget Jones movies, Notting Hill, Four Weddings..., Bean, The Tall Guy, and a LOT of Black Adder stuff. I personally think this is the best thing he's done, though I liked Love Actually a lot. :) It was directed by David Yates, whom I've never heard of, but who did a stellar job. (He's also directing the next Harry Potter movie.) Katie gives it two thumbs up and says "check it out". :)

So, lemme get this straight: the guy who believes he has little tiny aliens living inside of him is calling psychiatry a sham and anti-depressants evil??? Riiiiiight.

Tom Cruise was on the Today show on Friday and felt compelled to dress Matt Lauer down, on accounta how he (Tom Cruise) knows everything there is to know about psychiatry and feels that Matt Lauer not only doesn't know anything about it but is also horribly ignorant and irresponsible to endorse it as a respectable profession. Among other things, El Cruise informed the Today host of the following:

* Anti-depressants are "very dangerous" and "mind-altering, antipsychotic drugs"
* "Ritalin is a street drug"
* he knows all there is to know about the entire history and profession of psychiatry, and it is a crock
* Tom Cruise, who has never met most of the people in the world, knows the best path for all of us, and if only we were not so stubbornly stupid, we would understand that the best way to live is his way
* Matt Lauer is "glib" and irresponsible and as Today show host, has a duty to inform himself and other people about the dangers of psychiatry and "antipsychotic drugs" like Ritalin and anti-depressants

My favorite exchange of the whole thing (besides the part where Matt Lauer calls Cruise on his arrogant bullshit over Ritalin) is this:

Lauer: But a little bit of what you're saying Tom is, you say you want people to do well. But you want them do to well by taking the road that you approve of, as opposed to a road that may work for them.

Cruise: No, no, I'm not.

Lauer: Well, if antidepressants work for Brooke Shields, why isn't that okay?

Cruise: I disagree with it.

Gotta love a zealot.

You can read the transcript of the interview and see for yourself just how huge an arrogant ass Tom Cruise is at the above link (where there's also a video of the interview) or right there to the left, which is a less antiseptic transcript from Drudge.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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