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Sunday, Nov. 27, 2005 - 4:05 a.m.

Sadness. Alias has been cancelled. And okay, it's really pretty much been the suck since the 3rd episode of the new season, but I had high hopes JJ Abrams would turn it around and wow us by the end of the season, or at least pull his head out of his butt and fix the mess he's made of things so that next season would be back to cool. But ABC isn't gonna give 'em the chance, and it just bites, because THIS SEASON SUCKS ASS. :( They took everything that worked about the show and got rid of it, replacing Sydney and Vaughn with the lameass Rachel and Thomas, who just suck and are like Alias Lite. And the deliciously ambiguous Jack has been mostly absent, as well. Even the wonderful and talented Carl Lumbly, who is rockin' the role of Dixon, can not save Alias Lite. So of course, rather than fix it, they yank the plug. I hate ABC.

Since I have nothing better to rap about, lemme do a quick tv update. Coz, um, that's the joy in my life right now, is the hour or 2 every night that I get to turn my brain off and relax with fiction I don't even have to turn the pages for.

I said I liked Criminal Minds. Silly me. I reneg. The pilot rocked; the rest has been awful.

Supernatural I still like, but let's face it: David Nutter rocks the creepy, and no one else they've hired to direct has even come close to the original 2 hours of the show, so while I still find it mostly enjoyable, it has not lived up to expectations. Still, Old Dean and New Dean have good chemistry, and I really like them, even if it's bothersome they named Old Dean Sam and hired a New Dean to play Dean. Really, what WERE they thinking?

I totally love Invasion. William Fichtner is awesome. Eddie Cibrian is cute. Larkin, though, Larkin has to go. A dumber investigative reporter never lived.

How I Met Your Mother is cute and likeable, and I still like Out of Practice.

I actually really like Related, which kinda surprises me. I *love* the girl who plays Margie. She's really good. I could do without the overly melodramatic Kiele Sanchez and the overly doe-eyed and innocent baby sister Rose, but Jennifer Esposito is cute and Margie is great, and I love Callum Blue from Dead Like Me, so all around, I'm happy with Related. :)

Hot Properties is cute, mindless fluff. I like the girl who plays Chloe, and the girl who plays Lola really takes it to the mat and chews scenery with the best of them. I watch it for those two. Gail O'Grady drives me insane, she's so "hey, look at me, I'm acting." But the show is mostly cute, and I still like it.

The Comeback was cancelled, and while I think Lisa Kudrow was stellar, that show outlived itself by probably a dozen episodes. I quit watching after 4, and I'm surprised I lasted that long. Bygones.

Still like Gilmore Girls. :) I loved the ep where Jess came back all lit-hip and was the one to finally call Rory on her crap, and frankly, I think Lorelei owes him a HUGE apology. And I am glad mom and daughter are back together, because they have good chemistry, but the Luke with daughter thing I'm not diggin' on. The whole Christopher with money thing is dumb, too. I hate easy outs. I wonder if Kelly Bishop and Edward Herrmann should look for new jobs? I certainly hope not. The only member of the cast I can't stand - and by can't stand, I mean hate passionately and lividly - is Sean Gunn, who is unattractive, obnoxious, annoying, and - I have on very good authority, thanks to a personal connection - a HUGE asshole in real life. I would love it if Kirk got canned, but I love everyone else.

I don't think I said I liked any other new shows... Veronica Mars, but it was only new to me, and I still like it. I'm still trying to get over the bitterness of this last, loser season of Alias. That was my favorite show; I wish it were at least sliding downhill slowly over the course of the season, instead of leaping off a cliff without warning. Better to rip the bandaid off quickly, I guess. At least the way it's going, I won't miss it when it's gone. :(

Peace out,

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