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Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 - 2:28 a.m.

Some thoughts.

First, I am glad I do not live in South Asia. I do, however, know someone whose family lives in Sri Lanka, and she might, in point of fact, now live there again, so I hope they are all okay. :(

Second, it pays to watch the Discovery Channel. I am amazed at the number of tourists captured on the news today who remarked about how the water suddenly all went away and they and the rest of the people all stood there going, "wow, where's the water?" Do these people NEVER watch educational tv? Not to make light of it, but I kinda thought that everyone on the planet (or at least, in all the non-3rd-world countries) knew that when the ocean water suddenly goes away, it's a bad thing. Like when the sky turns green and starts to hail, or when the wind is blowing like a mother and then suddenly it all goes deathly still, that means a tornado is about to swoop down on yer *ss. It behooves us to know these things, is all.

Third, for the love of God, didn't ANYONE who knows this kind of stuff frigging think to pick up a *phone* and call the governments in all the countries that got slammed? How fucking hard could it have been for whatever body watches/studies ocean earthquakes to drop a dime to Sumatra, for crying out loud? When *I* saw on the news there'd been an earthquake of that frigging magnitude on the ocean floor, the first thing I thought was man, that's gonna cause a tsunami. Why the hell didn't someone make sure that area of the globe was warned? Fuck, people, come ON.

The footage coming out of that area is pretty major. I feel pretty bad for everyone there, especially people who lost kids or other family members. It's pretty freaking awful. I am, however, amazed at the people who stood on the roof of their 2 story hotels and shot video of the waves coming over the sea wall and engulfing the pool and grounds of their respective hotels. Because trust me, the last fucking thing *I* would be doing is running my video camera while the ocean was bad to swallow me whole.

I'm just sayin'.

I hope everyone else is well and good and had a happy Christmastime. I actually got everything I wanted, which is a Christmas miracle, in and of itself. Seriously. That *never* happens. I didn't think it was gonna happen this time, either. But it did. :)

I cut my hair short again Dec. 22nd. Woohoo!

It's not that much cause for celebration, but really, it was bugging the absolute hell outta me as it was, so while I loved it the first day and not so much every day after, at least it's outta my face, and that, my friends, is a good thing.

It is raining cats and kittens here in good old sunny CA. Like, Texas kinda rain. Lots and lots of rain. It's nice, unless you have to go out in it, which I did earlier. By the time I'd crossed the 20' of parking lot between my car and the store doors, I was pretty much drenched. As in dripping lots and lots of water at the end of actual rivulets down my slicker. Rain, people. It's cool. :)

I made lotsa jewelry this Christmas. Like, for people who paid. That, too, is a good thing.

The cat is Cujo. Or, Fujo: the feline version.

Liquidskin stuff does not hurt anywhere near as much on the back of your hand as it does in the palm. Like, not at all. Or maybe it's just that I wasn't sliced so deep. At any rate, the entire lack of pain made me happy. Plus it stays on better on the back of your hand, so you don't have to keep applying it.

I had more, but I can't remember any of it, now. I have my resume in for a cool job, so keep those fingers crossed. Otherwise, I have to take the crappy logging job that will take me 2 hours a day to get to and another hour coming back, at 4am. 6p to 4a, plus 3 hours in traffic. So I will leave my house at 4p every day and get back home at 5a. Please pray I get the other, web one.

Thankin' you in advance. I appreciate it.

Peace out,

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