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Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 - 12:54 a.m.

Ya know, I'd expect more from a Barnard College woman than to be googling "what+is+sexy?"+victoria. Call me silly, but I sorta thought them there people might have higher aspirations. Or at least better things to do with their time. Studying for finals, say. Just a thought.

Nosy Katie Doyle googlers: 2
MV Golf Obsessed searchers: 1

Favorite Search of the Day:

Yippy Skippy
So, I went to lunch with a good friend today. I haven't seen J-Co* in ages, ever since we both worked on that travesty of good taste, The Bachelor 2. That 2 is important. It tells you that the American women truly have nothing better to do with their time than pine for whatever canned version of True Love is currently being hawked by the media, and that they are so desperate for it, they'll watch not just one, but two entire seasons of 25 women competing for one man.


What semi-intelligent, half-proud, decently attractive woman with all her teeth and any kind of prospects whatsoever will compete with 24 other women for one freakin' guy's affections? That's just wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to start. And then to do it on national freaking television. I look at women like that, and I think no wonder men are such sexist, condescending assholes. Why shouldn't they be? Women are fucking idiots. You guys shoulda seen the parts of that show that didn't make it to air. Painful. Nothing short of painful. You want to scream at these brainless morons to show some farging backbone and stop begging the idiot guy to kiss them. I'm tellin' you guys, if I were ever to be single again, this show would be Lesson 1 in what not to do.

Anyway, that's not what this is about. It was nice to see J, and he gave me my Christmas and birthday presents, and in keeping with tradition, he gave me mix cd's. I have to say, the Christmas cd rocks. :) Seriously. It's totally awesome. They went all out, too; made labels that match the full color cover art and the whole 9 yards. And the songs are fabulous. It may very well be my favorite Christmas album ever. And the super cool thing is that it's not all Christmas tunes, but all the songs that aren't Christmas are still Christmassy, with themes which can be applied to the holiday. "Well, of course, Katie," you say, "it wouldn't be a Christmas cd, otherwise; duh." Ah yes, dear reader, but that's a fine line to tread, and they hit it perfectly. And there's some really obscure stuff on there, too. Music from Empire of the Sun, which I *love*, and The Lord of the Rings, and even a School House Rock tune and "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon," by Ernie from Sesame Street (great song). I love those guys. They make good mix "tapes." :)

I really should listen to my birthday cd, but I'm so jazzed on the Christmas one that I don't want to move on yet. Here's how cool J is, though: my birthday mix cd is entitled "Happy!" and has a picture on the cover of HR Pufnstuf with John and Ponch from CHiP's. I mean, you can not get any kitschier than that, my friends. And it has stuff on it ranging from Cab Calloway to the B-52's, Beck, and the Simpsons. How can you not love a mix that eclectic? :)

*J-Co got that moniker when Jennifer Lopez released her lp and decided she wanted to be called J-Lo. We all thought it was so stupid, we shortened everyone's name to their first initial and first consonants & vowel and called each other by these ridiculous tags for like a week. I was K-Do. And no, you may not call me that.

Procrastination? What Procrastination?
I got email from my best friend tonight, all aggravated because yet again she put all her Christmas stuff off until the last minute.

Join the party, toots.

I have Christmas cards sitting on the coffee table that haven't been mailed. I have presents to send home that have been purchased and wrapped for weeks, also sitting on the table. They haven't even made it into a box. And there are still two to of which I bought LAST year. In fact, last year's boxes had presents in them from two Christmasses, and in G's case, two birthdays - and her birthday is in *March*. I have photos from New Year's Eve 1999, in a Christmas card, that still need to be mailed back to the party throwers. Don't talk to me about procrastination, people; I wrote the book. I have risen it to an art form. Everyone else is strictly amateur. I am in a league of my own, baby. I am the patron saint of procrastinators.

Oh yes, I am. St. Katie. Look it up. Some of my work is even hanging in the Guggenheim.

Oh shut up; what would you know?

Stupid Quote(s) of the Day:
"Now that their personal issues have been erased, they'll be able to go forward with a greater sense of freedom and joy." --ABC's Extreme Makeover.

Now, I know I shouldn't, given that ABC ran The Bachelor(s) and will be running The Bachelorette(s), but I would expect something more from at least the hack writer. What kind of a moron thinks having your nose done and some fat sucked outta yer ass erases your personal issues? Isn't that the purplest prose you've ever heard in your entire life? It goes way beyond purple; all the way to puce. Livid puce. Livid, pukey puce. Blech. And what a vile, reprehensible fricking idea for a show AND a tagline. Like having plastic surgery fixes all that's wrong with a life. You have only to take one look at Michael Jackson to see what a frickin' crock that is, and I hardly think we need to tell gullible viewers that it will, not to mention to continue perpetuating the Blatant Physical Perfection Myth already running rampant thru society. Why not make the whole thing a carnival, because that's what it is: come watch these three freaks who are willing to let you see them in their underwear and watch them go under the knife subject themselves to surgical torture and bad dye jobs for your amusement. I mean, seriously, people, *jeez*.


Only 200, and you get this nifty ballcap.
My best friend also informs me she has finally tried all 200 micro brews at The Flying Saucer in Ft. Worth and has received in return the coveted Flying Saucer Baseball Cap.


Do any of the rest of you live in cities with a Flying Saucer pub? I like the one by the Ft. Worth Stockyards. They have saucers nailed to all the walls and ceiling (the china kind, not the actual flying ones, and I think they're all pretty much identified). The building's a nifty old one, too, from the Chisolm Trail days. Or at least designed to look that way. The Ft. Worth Stockyards were part of the Chisolm Trail, for those of you unaware. But I digress. I suggest you get on down to your local Saucer, if'n ya got one, and start drinkin' beer. You only have to drink 200, and since I know you are going to drink that many anyway, why not have a nifty ballcap to show for it? They even let you track your "stats" on their site, so you can brag to your friends how close you are to that elusive headgear. I think G's just relieved she can once again drink what she wants, instead of having to focus and be all goal-oriented and stuff.

Coz, you know, that goal-oriented drinking can really be a bitch.


Okay, people, I got stuff to do. I have presents to wrap, you know. And birthday presents I'm sticking in one of the mail packages...from 3 years ago. St. Katie, baby. St. Katie.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

"Fog's as thick as peanut butter."
"You mean pea soup."
"You eat what you like and I'll eat what I'll like."

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Yesterday's News - Next Stop

In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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