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Saturday, Sept. 24, 2005 - 1:29 a.m.

I hate when you find out your friends have been talking smack about your ass, and the things they chose to rip on you for are the very things you hate most about yourself. The things you can't stand you have become, that aren't really who you are, just what you're bogged down in. As the song says, human kindness is overflowing. I think it's gonna rain today.

I'm also dealing with a person I let into a part of my life because I felt sorry for her. She was living a really pathetic, lonely life, and I thought all she needed was some friends, so I invited her into my circle. She paid me back by backbiting and sniping, and it turns out she never liked me at all, she just pretended to because I date someone she used to watch on television. She in fact thinks I'm "an airheaded bitch" who is beautiful and thin and has always had things given to her, who never had to work for anything, always had it easy, and whom men have always fawned over and given whatever was wanted for the bat of an eye in their direction.

I so *wish* that were my life experience; unfortunately, it's not.

Unless you count straight A's. I kicked ass on the straight A's and never had to work a day in my life for 'em. So fuck you AND the horse you obsessively rode in on, Circe. Y tu mama tambien.

She's one of those saccharine snakes, too. You know the girl. She pays false compliments in front of others and/or says crappy things like they're a compliment (ie. 'I don't know why everyone thinks you're such a bitch; *I* like you'), so that you can't call her on the shit without her widening her eyes in "hurt shock" and crying "all I did was say something nice." Why is it men never get that crap and always take the side of the bitch? The rest of that particular social group is comprised of men, and they all think I'm being unreasonable. Her, they love. Me, they've known for 5.5 years (well, 2 of them have only known me for 2.5 years); her, they met when I introduced her to them 6 *months* ago. But she's a world champion ass kisser, so they love her. I'm pretty sure I'm slowly being replaced, but worse than that, despite my express wishes to the contrary that no one in the group discuss my private life (and most expressly, my relationship) with her - because, as I told them, I do not trust her and it's none of her business what goes on in my personal and private life - one of them bled out to her. She knows stuff about my life and my relationship that there is no fucking way on this planet she could know unless someone saw fit to sit her down and spill every frigging detail he knew. After I expressly told him not to. So that's a pretty fucking big violation, and I am really not good with that.

I'm so over the whole fucking mess at this point, I just want to walk away from it and be done. This shit's just not fun anymore.


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In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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