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Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005 - 12:32 a.m.

I hate, hate, hate being on a day schedule, even if it is just a pseudo-schedule that doesn't start until 10:30am. I am not a day person. And I know all that crap about how if you stick with it and go to bed early and get up on time and you do that every day for months and months and months, you get used to it and your body goes "hey, I'm a day person."

Horse manure. Bull crap. Shite.

I AM NOT A DAY PERSON. I will never BE a day person. I am a night person, and my body knows it. My body clock is happy as hell being awake and functioning at 3am. I am alert. I can think. I do not feel like the walking dead, bumbling through life like a zombie, with a head that weighs 80 pounds and wants nothing more than to lie on a pillow and close its eyes. I have been this way since I was a very small child, arguing with Mary Doyle for the right to stay up till 8pm and watch Bonanza. When my mother forced me to bed, I sat in the closet with the door closed and the light on, playing Barbies or reading. I did not sleep. When a 5 year old routinely stays up until 11pm without her parents' knowledge, so trust me, she is NOT a day person. I am sluggish during the day, and exhausted. I hate being awake at 10.

Oh sure, I dream of being a day person; I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice. I would LOVE to be a day person. The world is completely designed around day people. The Livers of the Day. You can't get anything done at 2am. You can't shop for presents or pay bills or get a decent burger. We night dwellers are prejudiced against, and that's all there is to it. So yes, I'd like to be one of you day people. I have tried many, many times to walk in the light along with you. But the bottom line is that I'm not. And try as I might, I can not force my body to live its life on a day schedule. I just wish the rest of the world would get that.

I got a call for a second job interview at Job Interview #3 workplace, which I went to last Wednesday, the 27th. No call back from Job Interview #4 of last Friday yet. Job #3 pays more money, but it's 2 jobs for the pay of one, so I'm not all that jazzed about it. Then again, it's a steady job - as opposed to the usual 2-3 month gig most tv jobs are - and benefits. I could really, really use benefits. I could also really use the money this job pays, which is half what the Pit of Despair that was Extreme Makeover: Hell Edition paid. It will also be a very stressful job, I'm thinking. The last guy left because he said it was too stressful. That is never a good sign, and no one's been in the position for over a month now, which means that a job which is already hellishly busy is even as we speak backing up with a logjam of timberlike proportions. Giant redwoods, even. I've stepped into a position like that before. It was called LMNO, and some of you know what it was like. I just keep telling myself it's just until I can build some recognition and steady business at Dragonfly or figure out some other way of making money on my own.

Job #4 bears a lot less responsibility, but it also pays more than 30% less and is only good for 2 or 3 months. But the guy I think I'd be working for is super cool and fun. He's not from California, so he has an actual work ethic. One that matches my own, which means he is not a fucking whiner who surfs the web and writes email or works on his "screenplay" all day and then leaves work 2 hours early. And yes, a painful number of people who "work" in television do just that. All. Day. Long. Which I am not well for, because they make the same money I make, only I am actually working. For 10 hours, because that's what a tv shift is. At least. Sometimes it's 12, and I've been there for 18. For the same pay as an asshole who came in at 7 and left at 11. The company for Job #4 has basically the same reputation as LMNO, which is to say abusive egomaniacs who think of themselves as saving lives and run an incredibly dysfunctional company culture. That's Dysfunctional. Capital D. But as I said, the guy I interviewed with, who is the post supe for the show, was way cool. I loved him. And he thought I was charming and delightful (shut up; I *can* be), and it's been a loooooong time since anyone thought that, so it couldn't suck too badly working for him.

So anyway, 2nd interview for Job #3 is Friday at 4:30. Job #4 starts Monday. I have a 5th job I'm supposed to apply to and have met the people there, but the application comes with one of those authorization forms you have to sign that allows them to pry into your personal life and do a credit check, and frankly, it's none of anybody's business what I spend my money on or how I manage it, not to mention personal stuff beyond how I do my job, and it sure as hell isn't the business of anyone I don't even work for yet and don't know from Adam. So I am loathe to apply there, even though I probably have a good chance of getting the job. I think I'll wait and see how Jobs 3 and 4 stand, first.

And lastly, I was able to take internet defensive driving last night (for 4.5 hours; ugh) and go down and get the illegal left turn ticket taken care of, though I dicovered the point stays on my driving record anyway, because it was a careless driving charge. :( So I imagine the buzzards at State Farm will be pouncing on me any day now and raising my rates. They raise 'em when they have no reason to, so a one point violation oughtta just set 'em to salivating.

I recommend internet traffic school, btw. You can take it when YOU want to take it, which is really the only thing it has to recommend it, because frankly, it is deadly dull, and I do mean Deadly. But it certainly fits your schedule, and you can finish it in under 5 hours, if you're a fast reader. I would almost rather spend 8 in a class though, because the class is slightly less boring if you have an instructor who interjects extra information and insights. The online thing is seriously hardcore for boring.

Now I'm just hoping my Texas replacement title gets here before the 13th, so I don't have to spend another $50 on smog check; the one I have expires August 13.

That, and find someone to borrow around $385 from...

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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