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Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 - 3:43 p.m.

Okay, I really have to stop managing to delete posts before I can hit the handy save button... I am BURIED with homework this week. St. Katie strikes again. :( I hope you're all doing well. Have a great day, ay?

I've been reading (well, okay, I just started) this nifty book called The Vision of Islam, by Schiko Murata and William C. Chittick. It's pretty interesting so far, though the most telling thing in it has been that the only version of the Koran that is actually the Koran is in Arabic, because the form of the letters/writing is just as important - if not more so - than the words. The physical words *are* the Koran, not the meanings of them. Or not just the meanings, I suppose I should say. And every verse has 7 meanings, the first meaning being what the reader thinks and the last being what God/Allah knows, and the rest fall in the middle somewhere, so it's no freaking wonder you have religious freaks like Osama bin Ladin blowing the whole thing up into some misbegotten -ism.

I also now understand the reason we sometimes perceive Muslims as being a tad overzealous, since to them, you are not a follower unless you are devoted wholly to God. (to distill it down to a generic religious sense) But I have to wonder what the hell really motivates people like this.

At any rate, interesting, and I recommend the book so far, if you don't really know anything about Islam, and probably even if you think you know tons. And information is a pretty tight commodity these days, so it never hurts to stock up, I guess.

Peace out,

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