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Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 - 8:23 p.m.

Design is brutal, yo.

Seriously brutal. I go on my merry little way to class last night, plans in hand, I sign up for critique, and I sit at my little drafting table for some last minute work, and then a big, gigantic, #10 size canna wuppass comes along and cuts me off at the knees. I have to do the entire thing over, none of my plants work, my hedges are apparently remiss in the space department, my arbor is incorrectly designed, and oh, by the way, there's a setback for that there equipment, so it will have to be completely relocated. I didn't tell you there was a setback? Are you sure? Well, there is. Move it. And that tree sucks, by the way.


As for how many plants I need...that is entirely up for grabs. Let's hope I get it right.

On top of the fact that that entire damn thing has to be redone, I also have a research assignment, homework, a smaller (yet still time-consuming) project, a quiz to study for, and a hideously long chapter in what is certainly The Most Boring Textbook Known to Man to read, for what will almost certainly be a pop quiz in the Class From Hell. Should I be sitting here writing to you? No, I should not. But I have a tension headache that is rapidly escalating to migraine status, and I need to blow off a little frivolous steam. So here I am, damn it. Blowing off steam.

I came home from class yesterday and cried, but then one of my classmates said she got her ass kicked too, so I feel slightly less subjugated. Especially since she said the guy who sits next to me, who is clearly teacher's pet, got scolded for his stuff, too. That was kinda nice. Not that he got scolded, but that I'm not the only one, and even the best draftsman in class got hamstrung. It made me feel a little less like a failure. Especially as I was so proud of what is apparently a really crappy design. The colors are fabulous, though. I did at least get a small mark for that.

I would like to note for the record, however, that having a complete understanding and grokness of the phrase "back to the drawing board" is not necessarily a good thing. I think the guy that came up with that was either the most underappreciated optimist of all time, or a truly sarcastic bastard. Or a gigantic asshole, depending on whether or not he was the one who had to return to that hard surface or was telling someone else very cavalierly to haul his dejected and masticated butt back to it.

What I really want to do is curl up under the blankies, eat Nuts About Malt ice cream (the best flavor on the planet), and watch tv. I have The Snow Queen on dvd, and while it might be a truly horrendous remake - it does star Bridget Fonda, afterall - that is one of my favorite fairy tales and I want the chance to watch it before it has to be returned to the videostore or is late again. ::sigh::

Apropos of nothing, I would like to wonder aloud (so to speak) how long I can get away with parking on campus without a parking decal? Normally I would not support such behaviour, or indeed, carry it out myself, but I went last week to buy my decal after having parked for a while without one, mainly because as you know, I am St. Katie, She Who Is So Good at Procrastination She Has Been Canonized Even Before Death, and I just could not seem to get my butt up to campus to buy a decal before class. Or, you know, on my days without class. Because school is quite the ways away, and frankly, I don't really want to drive up there just to spend mucho moolah on an overpriced parking decal. And trust me, it is overpriced. I am not just saying that. The state needs a reality check on exactly how much money a student should be expected to shell out for inadequate parking lots with 20% fewer parking spaces than students and their cars. I used to pay $60 for day and $40 for night. I now pay $126, regardless. Which frankly, sucks. But anyway. You guys let me digress again. I actually went last Friday to buy my decal so I could legally park on campus and wouldn't have to freak out and worry about getting a ticket, and the guy tells me that if I wait until Monday, the price will go down to $96. So I think a)that's really cool of him to tell me that, and b)cool; I will save $30 on the already ridiculously priced parking for this joint. I will go early my next class day and purchase the parking decal. Only, of course by that day, I was still laboring away in what turned out to be a pathetically useless effort on the lameass design I got ripped on, plus I had a doctor's appointment and then had to have a tea misto, and then saw there was a beauty supply store next to that and I was out of Sebastian Potion 9, which is the incredible leave-in treatment, especially if you have permed or color-treated (or just really dry) hair, so I didn't make it to campus early enough to hit the Registrar's office and pay for the stupid decal. And then the next day was the Class From Hell, and I was still trying to finish my drawing, so of course, I didn't buy it then, either. And now, I am thinking you know, a parking ticket is only $30, and if I get one, I can pay it and then pay whatever the going rate for parking is for the remainder of the semester, and I might just be able to save some of my rapidly dwindling money. So that's what I guess I'm gonna do. It's not the usual Katie way, but it's what I'm goin' with for now.

Now hopefully I'm not actually getting tickets that someone is taking off of my car and that I just don't know about, so that when I finally finish my classes, I will be unable to get my grades and all that because I have amassed a parking fine that rivals the national deficit in size and irresponsibility.


Guess I better go buy a decal.

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

Look, if this is about those parking tickets, I can explain everything, okay?

*HUGS* TOTAL! give katiedoyle more *HUGS*
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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
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In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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