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Friday, Oct. 27, 2006 - 9:33 a.m.

Thanks to Reader1209 (that cheeky monkey), I have taken on the challenge of NaNoWriMo 2006. Every year, I realize it's NNWM time after it's already started, but Reader took the plunge and posted about it, so I am bravely diving in myself. I also plan to drive Reader absolutely nuts with my NaNoWriMo angst...there is a certain logic to my mad, impetuous plan. :)

'Member how I said me and the Murph go way back? The weather bit it until an hour ago, and now it's getting dark. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I have also blown my sleep schedule again (did I already say that in another post?), so if I can't get to bed at a decent hour tonight, I really have to pull an all-nighter sometime this weekend.

I have grown to hate the tune "Winchester Cathedral" more than I can ever say. There's a series of commercials here that feature a giant thumb waddling around on two tiny feet helping people do stuff like hang wallpaper, see over tall fences, roll giant rolls of paper, etc. They have chewed up the music and lyrics to be all 1920's sounding, and it rubs me the wrong way the same way those damn freakass Quizno's commercials and the KitKat jingle do. I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard for the 60 second duration.

Spin City is on, and Martin Sheen is guesting as Charlie's father. They just had this exchange:
Martin: I haven't seen you this angry since I gambled away your college fund.
Charlie: I had a college fund?

I actually snorted. Been there, pal.

Speaking of, I got what was left of mine while I was here in Paris. $403. Better than nothing, ay? I didn't even fill out a form for it. The state of Texas just sent it along.

I hope everyone has something fun planned for the weekend. Whatcha doin'? I might be meeting with Elodie to look at her drawings and the books she's illustrated already. I'm going to do a website for Pete after the holidays, and I want to talk to her about doing some stuff for that, as well. It'll be a site for kids, with games, reading recommendations and kid-friendly links, along with anything else educational and good for kids I can think to put on it. I'm open to suggestions, oh parent readers. I want it to be fun as well as provide a positive atmosphere. With a pro-reading, pro-education, pro-environment slant.

I got nothin' else. Guess I'll go think about maybe outlining the novel I want to work on for Nanowrimo. I need some music. I don't really work well on long projects without something to attach to them that motivates me to sit at my computer for hours on end. Hm.

Peace out,

ps. i got a comment a few days ago about how i apparently think i'm all "literate and metaphoric" (i know; don't ask me, i have no idea) and then i go and sign my entry "peace out," thus revealing my true desire for "attention getting." which i think about every time i write "peace out" now, and i wonder what it is that person does not understand about the concept of blogging? i mean, i keep an online diary, *with comments*. seriously, what part of that smacks of subtlety and secrecy? ttyl, kd

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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