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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 - 12:03 a.m.

The diet has fallen apart, a little. Gotta get back on track tomorrow.

Know what else I have to do tomorrow? Take my driver's license test. Blech. I haven't studied, either, and they ask all kinds of obscure stuff and stuff that I get really confused on, because the numbers are different here. In Texas, in school zone, the speed limit is 20. Here, for some reason, it's 25, despite the fact that all the other speeds are slower than Texas. Like in a blind alley, you're allowed to go 20 in Texas. Here? 15. And in a residential or business neighborhood where no limit is posted, in Texas it's 30 or 35. Here, 25. Most of the other stuff, I'm fine with. Except for weird stuff like here you can turn left over a double yellow line, which you can not do in Texas. But all the general, a yellow sign means caution, stuff, I am good with.

I also need to frigging remember to call Texas DPS and get a copy of the title to my car, so I can get it registered here by Aug. 20, and do my taxes by the weekend. :(

BTW, I am really fond of Cynthia Schmidt's art. So much so that I may just have to feature a particular picture every week or so. It turns out she's also nice as all get out, which just makes me want her to be as successful as she could possibly hope to be. I can't say enough how much I like her stuff; it makes me laugh or think of fairytales, and neither of those two things is bad. :)

I got nothin' else to report, other than a possible addiction to the wonderful cooling goodness that is the sugar-free popsicle. I love, love, love the Good Humor people for making these things. I wish I could find the no-name grocery store brand I used to buy, though, because they were a) cheaper, b) bigger, c) in traditional flavors (including blue) and d) had more in the package.

I am currently reading Princess In Pink, Volume V of the Princess Diaries, and loving it the best, so far. I think it's the funniest. I have not yet read book 6, though. :) I love the Princess Diaries books maybe even more than I loved the Trixie Belden books, and I lived for Trixie Belden books, back in the day. I wanted to be 13 forever, because Trixie was 13. Mia just turned 15, so I'm thinking 14 and 15 would have been slightly more tolerable, had the Princess Diaries been around then. Seeing as I was pretty much a geek and kind of an outcast, I can pretty much identify with Princess Mia's experience, even if I did not have a big cat that ate socks. And - you know - I'm not a princess. Even though I think it could be decently cool to be one, barring that whole arranged marriages and constant paparazzi thing. Plus always having to use the right spoon or fork, which might be fun every once in a while, but having to face a huge array of silverware at every single meal would get pretty tiring, I'm sure. I mean, I have no objections to a formal dinner, and indeed, have eaten plenty of them, but there's something about sitting down to 9 or more pieces of silver at every meal that just sounds exhausting. I'm just sayin'. But I digress. I hope Meg Cabot takes Mia all the way through high school, to the tune of at least 2 books per high school year; college would be even better. :)

If you click that link, (the Meg Cabot one), btw, it will take you to (duh), which has a link to Meg's blog, and I am very happy to say she sounds remarkably like Princess Mia does in her diary, which makes me really like Meg Cabot. :)

If I had gone to Albert Einstein High School - and, you know, if Mia were not fictional, I so would have palled around with her. Unfortunately, I did not go to AEHS. I went to several different high schools, all of them in Texas, half of them in the sticks, and the only one I liked was the one where I thought I had total anonymity, for the first time in my entire scholastic life. Barring half of a year in 4th grade, when my dad suddenly moved us to Upland, California, where I attended the hellpit that was Citrus Elementary School, and where Donald Souther managed to intercept me on the way home from school nearly every day, despite my constant deviations in route, and beat the living crap out of me. I have no idea why, since I had barely even spoken to him before this crap started, and certainly did not speak to him after. I'm guessing he was just an asshole, which was verified about 4 years later, when I was visiting my Gramma in Ontario and ran into Allan Schwartz, his sidekick, and Allan pretty much said yeah, Donald was an asshole. Something was said about a crush, but I can't remember whether it's that Donald had a crush on me or thought I had a crush on him, and for that, he felt compelled to knock the crap out of me repeatedly.

I wish I could say 4th grade was an anomaly; sadly, it was not. That's why I loved going to a big high school, where I thought no one knew who I was. Nobody hassled my ass. Imagine my surprise years later, when I discovered that lots of people had known who I was, and anyone who was not one of the popular kids thought *I* was one of the popular kids. (I can't imagine any of the popular kids thought that, though I was on good terms with a great many of them.) That will forever remind me that the lives you think other people are living are not necessarily their realities.


I don't really have anything else. It's still hot, and I still have no a/c. I just get to go out and drive in it tomorrow. Oo, fun!

Peace out,

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