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Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2005 - 7:56 p.m.

I am posting the Finds, either later or early, depending on how you look at it, because we need some levity around here, damn it. I feel the need to pretend GWBush is not in office and all is right with the world. Today I got one of those stupid make-a-wish emails, and the next thing I knew, when it was time to make my wish (yes, I read it; this one was actually a well-written one), I found myself thinking "I wish the world was a better place," and bursting into tears.

And okay, yes, I'm PMS'g, and yes, I'm depressed over not yet finding a job and the crumbling relationship I'm still smack in the middle of, but still. When a person bursts into tears over a stupid *email* (or a movie like say, oh, I don't know...First Daughter), there's some serious need for the happy happy. I appreciate those of you who wish me well. I'm sorry I've been so blechy lately, but the bottom line is that things here are not good or happy. It's pretty hard to get thru my days, frankly. You know that part in Jaws where Roy Scheider is spooning chum into the water and then he sees the shark up close for the first time and goes into shock where he backs slowly away all the way into the cabin and then turns to Robert Shaw and says "You're gonna need a bigger boat"? Yeah.

Parts of life are not so suckass and are looking up, but frankly, a few rays of light do not the sun make, and I'm just floundering through this and trying to get out of it in one piece. And feeling pretty angry a lot of the time. That's a shock, I know. Maybe you should sit down. Do you want some water? Paper bag to breathe into? No? Okay, then; move the hell over so *I* can lie down, and since you feel so good, how 'bout grabbing me a Diet Coke and some chocolate outta the fridge. In fact, head on down to the corner bakery and fetch me a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting, because it is time to bring out the Big Guns. Ha ha. Anyway, uh, happy happy. Oh look; here's some, now.

I have discovered a cool new "shopping site". You don't buy things there, but this girl finds neat deals across the web from small business owners. In fact, she chose Dragonfly as a featured business this week. :) It's called Wickedly Chic, and besides all the neat stuff it contains, it's also totally adorable and well-designed, very pretty and cheerful. And it features discounts and giveaways, on top of the very nicely priced items it highlights. So if you're like Carrie Bradshaw - or, you know, a girl - it's a neat little place on the web. I like it a lot. :)

I also found this neat site where you can buy crochet patterns and tutorials. More importantly, it also features some free stuff for beginners, complete with photos, so if you are totally confused as to how to make a double crochet stitch or how to turn at the end of a row, NexStitch can help. Not to mention, I think this is pretty, and if I were 20 and 112 pounds again, I'd be so all over it. I might be anyway; it could goad me into losing weight if I were to work on it a little every week. :)

I finally found TinyURL, which is cool in that if you add it to your browser links, it will shorten the url into something much easier to fit into comments sections, bbs posts, and email programs that will otherwise snip the url into two lines, thus making it unclickable. It's javascript, so if you have an updated or new version of IE, you have to follow the directions on the screen to add it to your links. Then when you're on the page you need a short url for, you just click the tinyurl link in your links, and it redirects you to a tinyurl page where you will find the shortened link waiting for you to cut and paste. I realize this is nothing new, but no one ever tells you where it is, so now I'm tellin' you where it is. :)

I love the idea that you can draw a pig and have your personality analyzed. Now if only I could draw worth a darn with my mouse, life would be good. :) Apparently, Daily Candy also discovered this and thinks it's cool.

History of stained glass, anyone?

There. That was better, huh? Enjoy the break. The vitriol may well be back tomorrow. PMS has a looooooong reach. (And that would be different, how?)(Shut up; I heard that.)

Peace out,

copyright 2002 - 2005 Katie Doyle; all rights reserved
Don't even think it, punk.

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In which Katie shares sad news - Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2015
In which Katie returns after a very long absence - Monday, Jun. 25, 2012
In which Katie pokes her head in and brushes some of the cobwebs away - Thursday, May. 06, 2010
In which Katie asks you to write your congressman again. - Monday, Jun. 02, 2008
In which Katie asks you to please click the link and send the message to protect the rights of artists - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008



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