
Auntie Em - 2005-06-08 07:44:32
Seriously. Like I said, I wish I was with ya, because seriously that guy has obvious issues. let's go down the list shall we? 1. His life is boring therefore he must make these assesments of people he just met. 2. He must really think poorly of himself because otherwise why would he say the things he did, other than to make himself feel better. 3. No offense to the other Spanish males out there... but in this day and age, an old school Spanish (or Italian male) have a certain set of standards that don't quite mesh with how today's society works. (Not all of them mind you but quite a few- and yeah I'm generalizing. My great-grandpa was Italian...) Okay so three off the top of my head and its almost 5 in the morning so my brain may be a little fuzzy. I'm telling next time, if there is a next time that happens, you can still be polite to the old fart, but you can get all psycho-analyzy on his ass. Ask him if he is really that sad/depressed/boring life (add your words here) that he feels he must comment on someone else- someone he doesn't know to boot. And yes, he was harassing you. Which is totally unfair and way uncool. I know I already said this on the phone, but you can always get an employee (such as a manager) to come help ya out. I would love to meet this guy. Old people or not, they start that shit with me, they are gonna get it. Oh and Katie, remember to my daughter you are a fairy princess and to all of us over here, you are quite a beautiful person. You have a great smile, a great laugh, and you are outspoken and passionate about what you believe in. You have the little extra sparkle in your eyes, even when life gets hard, you keep on going. Love ya chickie.
metame - 2005-06-08 07:55:28
that sounded incredibly surreal. I have no idea what you look like but I think you're beautiful :)
joey - 2005-06-08 08:02:33
Holy crap. You're far higher on the gauge than medium pretty. :) Joey.
Kati - 2005-06-08 09:16:05
Oh my word. That is unbelievable - mind you, old people. Scary. I worked with them for a year, whole new insight.
albygocougs - 2005-06-08 10:16:50
whoa. whenever someone shocks the hell out of me by doing something totally unexpected such as the time when deli-counter guy called me a lesbian on his way to slice my turkey, i stand there and do nothing and think to myself "is this really happening?" and let me just say, if he thought you were "only" medium pretty, then why was he shopping you for his son??? does his son "only" deserve "medium pretty???" what the hell was so wrong with the man that he only produced a son who deserved less than super-pretty or whatever the "top level" of pretty is? no, he approached you because you are outstandingly pretty and somehow he is a blind fool with plenty of his own damn faults. um, and you're awesome.
onlymayday - 2005-06-08 13:25:01
Obviously he thought you were much younger than you were if you were too old for his son, so that's a good thing right there, and I agree with the comments made by albygocougs as well: he approached you and now you're only medium pretty? He sounds like one of those mafia-esqe head of the family men, used to a lot of reverance and respect and people saying "okay" when he speaks, no matter what he says. He was probably taken aback that you didn't want to meet and marry his son right there that he had to be a nasty old fart.
Cannon - 2005-06-08 17:16:46
You are not medium pretty that man did not have his glasses or he needed to get some, or he was drunk. I have known you basically for 20 years and you were then and are now a very beautiful lady outside and in! I so wish I had been there I would of had a thing or two to say in your defense! As you I do believe you should respect your elders, however you did not solicit a conversation with this man nor did you say hey do you mind taking a minute from your very busy day and violate my personal space to give me your opinion of me. This man needed to be put back in his place and reminded that people have feelings. I would not have stood for it not at all @^%$@*&^@ not at all! I also agree with many of the statements above (Auntie Em for sure), If you were not drop dead gorgeous than why was he chatting you up in the first place. Anyway you were beautiful 20 years ago and more beautiful today and no crack pot old man should make you feel different. Ok I am mad and just need to shut up now! I am sorry you had to endure that and hope you realize his opinion does not matter.
katie - 2005-06-09 19:45:19
you guys are all really nice. :) i very much appreciate the good vibes. :) thank you! kd
wee - 2005-06-09 20:12:12
OH.MY. GOD!!!!! Unbelievable! You ought to have a halo over your head. I think I would have turned that whole thing around on him and asked if he was married. And when he said yes, I would have siad something to the effeect of "Clearly your wife is a saint for having the fortitude to put up with a man as difficult as yourself."!!!
wee - 2005-06-09 20:15:08
And in a perfect world, I would have said it all with no spelling mistakes!
ann-frank - 2005-06-13 09:12:26
Ohmyfuckinggod. I could rant for days about this, but I just want to say, I'm sorry. People are just so fucking stupid. I know it's hard, but shake it off, he means nothing. NOTHING!

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